Week 5

Please see attached for the required format. (Very Important) Examine an incident in which a member of the American armed forces earned the Congressional Medal of Honor; our nation’s highest award for bravery in battle. Identify the values this person exhibited and explain how their example should inspire us. 500-600 words Due 4/17/22

Response to 99% Invisble Podcast

Listen to this one first and then answer the question. https://99percentinvisible.org/episode/the-eliza-effect/ This podcast episode considers the possibility of establishing meaningful emotional relationships with robots, including the possibility of using robots as therapists. According to interviewees in this episode, why might a robot be more effective than a human therapist?  On the other hand, why might … Read more

Response to Jamison and Meta

1. Leslie Jamison explores the virtual platform “Second Life.”  According to Jamison, what does Second Life offer its users that they cannot find in their “real lives”? Does Jamison find one version of life to be more “real” than another?  Why or why not?  Please cite specific examples from the text.   2.  What were your … Read more

Response to Descartes and Manjoo

1.  Rene Descartes argues that, while most of life is uncertain, he can prove–without a shadow of a doubt–that he exists.  What proof does he offer to support this claim? Does Descartes believe that the body is a pre-requisite for existence?  Why or why not?  Please use your own words to answer these questions, rather than … Read more