15 page paper

 Write a fifteen page (double spaced) paper covering the content from each chapter in the textbook (roughly one page per chapter) and how you will practically apply that knowledge in your marketing plan. Please utilize the APA template to write this paper.

Finance Sports

 Select a period in the past 15 years when conference realignment occurred in the NCAA and analyze the impact. Be sure to provide the specifics of teams that moved, from and to, and the trickle down effect it had on other schools and conferences. What was the financial impact on tv deals and other revenue … Read more

Peer Reviewed Article

The link provided is to ensure we have a clear understanding what a peer-reviewed article is, including its purpose. Please feel free to contact me with any questions you may have. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1FrC0i4r4d6GfVcgooyh19NTqOxVKX2Th/view?usp=sharing Need a peer reviewed artice over Recovery and Regeneration.

Response 3

RESPOND TO THIS POST 150 WORDS Sleep is an essential component in our lives to aid us in energy regulation. Ensuring adequate rest also helps in thermoregulation, cognitive functioning and muscle repair. Our body goes through a breakdown of muscle fibers during exercise and are rebuilt during rest/sleep. When improper rest is occurring, the body … Read more

Response 2

RESPOND TO THIS POST 150 WORDS Originally wanting to add 2 games, the NFL recently went to a 17-game regular season after adding just 1 game for the 2021-2022 season. This was a hotly debated topic between the NFL and its players. While the obvious benefit to the NFL as a business was the additional … Read more


RESPOND TO THIS POST 150 WORDS Recovery in my opinion is a more crucial factor in an athletes ability to perform from day to day. Because if an athlete has gone through a game or a workout. Then, the next day it is ok to be a little sore but not to the point of … Read more

Discussion 4750

1. With sleep being such a hot topic in sports, what are the latest topics in sports that correlate to the assigned readings for this module? 2. How does sleep deprivation, or sleep loss affect performance? How can we prevent this from happening?

Scenario report

 Students are expected to read the scenario materials and produce a one-page summary report of the lessons learned. Students should conclude the report with their own observations, suggestions, and recommendations based on course learning and professional experiences. The reports must be a maximum length of 1 page (single-spaced, 1-inch margins, Times New Roman, size 12 … Read more