Research Blog #3 Project 2

For this blog, you will start to pull together what you understand about your chosen conversation and the potential answers to your research question. Step 0:  In order to complete this blog, you will first need to choose a specific audience that you believe would be interested in the answer to your research question. Please … Read more

Focus on Durkheim’s Contributions

  Provide a brief overview of Durkheim’s contributions to social science and address the following questions: How did Durkheim’s work and research form a foundational basis of sociology? What are the strengths and shortcomings of sociological approaches that trace their origins to Durkheim? What type of questions could Durkheim’s work best address today? How might … Read more

Discussion 3

How did WWI and the Great depression lead the United States joining the fight of WWII? Following Video will help with prompt question. Please ensure to watch them for guidance on this assignment.

From tweets to Reports

This assignment is worth 25% of your Project 1 grade. Therefore, you need to take a little more care with this assignment and take the time to do it carefully. Please see the assignment sheet if you have questions.  When we are interested in a topic, we are often attracted to social media posts about … Read more


  Purpose of Assignment The goal of creating a nursing concept map is to create a plan of care for a child with bronchiolitis. The nursing interventions would reflect the underlying respiratory syncytial virus with patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) history. Competency Apply the foundations of pediatric nursing when caring for clients with health alterations. Scenario … Read more


  Purpose of Assignment The goal of creating a newborn nutrition teaching presentation is to prepare the nursing student to provide evidenced based education to the pre and postpartum client on lactation. Competency Select safe, effective nursing interventions for the postpartum client and newborn. Instructions Create a teaching tool to promote breastfeeding. The material created … Read more

Wk 6 – Apply: Signature Assignment: Financial Plan [due Day 7] Wk 6 – Apply: Signature Assignment: Financial Plan

Prepare a business case and financial plan for your selected organization.- Company selected must be an existing organization with publicly available information, ( I suggest picking an organization from the Fortune 500 – this could be the organization you have been using or a new one . Read through the assignment requirements, explore, and select … Read more

walking through a strategic plan

The purpose of this assignment is for you to visually look at an organization’s strategic plan, any organization. Search the internet for a healthcare organization’s strategic plan. Write a two-page analysis of it.  These can be narrative and bullet point statements.  Does it contain all of the components discussed in Chapter 10 (pages 255 & … Read more

Wk 2 – Apply: Signature Assignment: Investor Presentation

  Select a Fortune 500 company or another company you are familiar with. Consider pharmaceuticals, computer hardware, retail, or automotive industries for your selection. If you choose a company that is not in the Fortune 500, ensure that enough financial information and key performance indicator results are available to complete the assignment. Imagine your manager … Read more