
Discuss two sexual dysfunctions that you think would be the most difficult to deal with.  Explain your rationale and include text evidence. Are there any treatments that go against your cultural, ethical, or religious beliefs? Discuss the aspects of aging that change and/or enhance sexual functioning. What is the PLISSIT model and how can it … Read more


  Discuss two sexual dysfunctions that you think would be the most difficult to deal with.  Explain your rationale and include text evidence. Are there any treatments that go against your cultural, ethical, or religious beliefs? Discuss the aspects of aging that change and/or enhance sexual functioning. What is the PLISSIT model and how can … Read more

P jorna

  Watch a program on The Golden Girls, Grace and Frankie, Betty White’s Off the Rocker, Happy-ish or a similar program about older adults. You can also review products aimed at middle and older adults, what are the message in the advertisements? How is sexuality depicted among older women and men? How accurate is its depiction? What is shown … Read more

400 words

 make an informal observation (church, mall, library, etc.) of two developing individuals who are in two different stages of Erikson’s eight stages of psychosocial development. For each developing individual, comment on the characteristics observed. 


 The internet is host to a wealth of information and much of that information comes from raw data that have been collected or observed. Many websites summarize such data using graphical methods discussed in this chapter. Find a website related to your major that summarizes data and uses graphs, and share it with the class.  … Read more

400 words

follow the upload file to write the a blog for 400 words.  400 words abstract written in a style appropriate for a blog You will have the write the abstract in a style appropriate for a blog. The abstract needs to be written in the first person through the entrepreneur’s voice, for example, “I always … Read more

Discusion post

 Most of the services/support provided for human trafficking (HT) victim come after they have been trafficked and can be considered as secondary interventions. Review some of the possible risk factors associated with becoming an HT victim, and discuss some possible primary interventions that could service to help prevent or reduce HT. 

Question week 8

  Nurses are pivotal members of the health care team, and knowledgeable of the overall concepts and potential strategies for success can assist nurses at all levels to provide leadership throughout the process. What key strategies should nurses and nurse leaders develop to ensure a successful merger or acquisition occurs in their organizations? 

Question week 9

  Rural communities offer opportunities and challenges to providing health care that best meets the population needs (Mason, et. al. 2021). What role does the Affordable Care Act (ACA) play in addressing workforce shortages in rural communities? (Refer to your textbook).

final psy

Word Count – 650 words without counting the cover page and the reference page Overall Match – Less than 15% Page Margins – 1 inch margins Font Size – 12 point  Font Type – Times New Roman font Space – Single