
Require Reading: Yin, R. K. (2017). Case study research and applications: Design and methods (6th ed.). Sage Publications. Stage 6: Analyzing Data (pp. 69-82) and Stage 7: Interpreting Data (pp. 83-92) in: Gagnon, Y. (2010). The case study as research method: A practical handbook. Les Presses de l’Université du Québec. Available in the Trident Online Library EBSCO ebook Collection. Managing and Analysing … Read more


Statement of Purpose My friends call me the “therapist friend.” Anytime someone needs to talk, I am always ready and listening. I give advice as best I can and do my best to encourage any person I encounter. I am very understanding no matter the situation, I have always had a passion for helping people … Read more


2 References each discussions (must be within 2 years) 300 words each discussions Discussion 1: Assume that you are the CFO of a company contemplating a stock repurchase next quarter. You know that there are several methods of reducing the current quarterly earnings, which may cause the stock price to fall prior to the announcement … Read more


Select a publicly traded company that trades on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) or on the NASDAQ to analyze. Please note that it is usually easier to find more recent information on larger or wellknown companies. The analysis in your essay should answer the following questions: Why did you choose to analyze this company? … Read more


Purpose The nursing student should be able to identify seizure activity, how to educate the family and or caregiver of the pediatric patient on what to do if a seizure occurs and what medications to administer, implement safety to prevent injury and treatment of fracture. Develop education to support discharge based on assessment of data. … Read more


I need 13 case scenario to discuss in class, no more than 3 sentences each one, need to have CC (Chief complaint) , impression and treatment. Any age, any illness. No more than 3 sentences each one. I will provide an example. Plagiarism free. don’t need to be APA stile. Word is ok Case scenario … Read more


HOMEWROK 2 Introduction to Human Services Research Paper   Research Paper – Select one (1) of the topics below then conduct research and submit a 9-page research paper on the topic. The 9 pages includes the cover page and the references page. 1) Ethical Standards of Human Service Professionals   2) Crisis Intervention   3) … Read more


The aim of this homework is to reflect upon your understanding of approaches of philosophy. Hence, you are required to: 1- explain the relevance of areas of philosophy to research in nursing in general. 2- reflect on and articulate your own philosophical position in relation to the research title:The relationship between occupational stress and ways … Read more


You are going to brand yourself.  The brand should reveal your mission, your values, your dreams, and an essential spirit of yourself.  To aid in this, you will use the SWOT Model found in Chapter 10 (p. 330-331). Your project, which will be ONE document, will have 5 components: Page 1. A worksheet evaluating yourself, addressing … Read more


You will complete one Forum for each Lesson.  Each Forum will be worth 30 points.  You will receive 20 points for your original forum post and 5 points for your two peer posts.  For the original post, I expect two good paragraphs, a good paragraph being 8-12 sentences with unity, coherence, and authentic reflection.  Your two … Read more