
  Assignment 5.1: Altruism   Define the term, Altruism. Answer the following questions.  Think of a time when you helped someone. Explain what occurred in that situation.  Was your “good deed” (helping out the other person) truly a good deed? Were you in fact acting altruistically, meaning that you got nothing in return for helping out?  Can you think … Read more

discussion question

what you would have done in these two situations. Given the situation, would you have done what the discussion question did in order to comply? Why, or why not?  __________________________________________________________________________________ An example of a time when I complied with an authority figure’s demands despite finding the request irrelevant to the task at hand, includes a … Read more

discussion question

informed by social psychology theory and research, please share pressures you have experienced to conform to fashion dictates. ___________________________________________________________________________________ Gender roles, behaviors, expressions, and differences are fixed by the culture in which one lives. These roles once defined are expected to be followed without violation. Earlier, men were expected to be the masters of the … Read more

hypothetical study NO PLAGERISM

  Participant Reactivity Think about how participants might react to environmental cues in an experimental situation and create a hypothetical study on assertiveness. It is important for you to remember that the study should not be designed to test participant reactivity. Summarize the study in a few sentences, and explain how some specific items in … Read more

principles of psychologists and code of conduct NO PLAGERISM

  Honor and Emotional Reactions Click here  Ethical principles of psychologists and code of conduct (  to read the APA ethical principles of psychologists and code of conduct. Using the Online Library, search the article, “A Bumpy Train Ride: A Field Experiment on Insult, Honor, and Emotional Reactions.” Pay special attention to the Method section. … Read more

Research assignments

2 assignments Assignment #1  1-2Pg Research any major issue. What population does it impact? What is being done to address it?  Assignment #2  2Pg Use assignment #1 issue and answer these questions: How has the problem been addressed so far? What has been the result?  Who are the stakeholders? Are there opposing sides of the … Read more

Discussion Question

 How would you describe to a family the difference between a neurodevelopmental disorder and other DSM diagnoses?  What are some specific considerations for families with children who have a neurodevelopmental disorder and are transitioning to adulthood? 

dis 9

 Chapter 12 Part one: Identify different historical definitions of and explanations for mental illnesses Part two: Apply social stress theory to mental disorders Part three: Analyze the interactional contexts in which the mentally ill are identified and treated Chapter 13 Part one: Identify different historical definitions of, and causal explanations for, fat bodies and eating … Read more

week 7 summarize and evaluate a peer review Journal article

For this assignment, you read the article written by Buzi, Smith, and Weinman (2014) located under your weekly resources. These authors used a chi-square analysis to analyze the data from their research study.    Now, make  a summary of the research, including background information on the topic, the main hypotheses, methods, results, and the conclusions … Read more

psy 210

   DocViewer Pages PSYC 210 CRITICAL THINKING ACTIVITY After you have read and reviewed Chapter 6, test your critical thinking skills on these four case studies.  They will illustrate the identity statuses proposed by Erik Erikson and others. For each case, suggest the most appropriate identity status – identity achievement, role confusion/diffusion, foreclosure, and moratorium; … Read more