Wk 5, OPS 574: DQ

APA format 175 – 265 words Cite at least one (1) peer-reviewed reference Do not answer questions in the attachment Respond to the following: 1. How does Amazon’s supply chain work? 2. How has Amazon’s supply chain given it a competitive advantage? 3. In the exercise (see attachment), what additional research should the consulting team … Read more

Ethic Decision 4

 You are assigned to a walking beat downtown, and every morning you stop into a breakfast shop and have a cup of coffee only. The owner does not charge you. After some citizen complaints about the parking situation in the area, the station has directed you to ticket all illegally parked cars. As you are … Read more

statistical method 4

 Develop a research question in Criminal Justice.  Using this, propose the null and research hypothesis.  Discuss the sample, and how you would test it.  Explain what issues you might have while using a one tailed or two tailed?  

negotiation 3

Negotiations Exercise 3: Paired Interaction Negotiations – Part I Due Thurs., Part II Due Sun. 3030 unread replies.3030 replies. Directions: In this discussion, you will apply the principles from the method Getting to Yes to a personal negotiation situation. Part I (due by Thursday on the due date as listed, but highly recommended that you … Read more


  Title your paper: “Review of [Name of Article]”  State the Author: Summarize the article in one paragraph: Post a screenshot of the article’s frequency table and/or graph.  Example:Frequency Distribution -OR- Graph Answer the following questions about your table or graph.    What type of study is used in the article (quantitative or qualitative)? Explain … Read more

The Effects of Smoking on Lung Cancer Rates among Adults in New York

Assignment Content Your hard work has paid off (!!!), and you will use the following workshop activities completed in class to help you write your complete draft of your discussion section: Activity: Discussion, Para. 1 Activity: Discussion, Para. 2 Activity: Discussion, Para. 3 YOU MUST USE THE “CHECK YOUR SIMILARITY HERE” FOLDER TO ENSURE NO … Read more

Learning Journal Entry 8

  For your Learning Journal entry this week, respond to the following prompt: Choose one of the cultural productions from the Unit 8 module and share your thoughts: what is the role of art/culture in engaging society in issues of revolution and/or social justice? Use evidence to support your conclusion.  Protocols: Journal entries should average … Read more

hw inr

  FORMAT – The maximum length of the papr is 1,500 words (not counting the works cited section). State your word count at the beginning of your papr. There is no word minimum. However, it is generally a good idea to take advantage of the space you have to write a comprehensive papr. – The … Read more

hum dis

  After reading the poem “United Fruit Company” by Pablo Neruda ( page), answer the following prompt in a focused response: How does the poem connect to what you have learned so far, and how might it be considered a medium of protest for the poet and Latin Americans in general? Provide examples from the poem … Read more