Wk 5, HCS 577: DQ

APA format 175 – 265 words Cite at least one (1) peer-reviewed reference Respond to the following: What are some non-monetary statistics—besides labor hours and patient volume—that have a direct effect on the financial management of a health care organization? Are there statistics that do not translate into a monetary effect?

Wk 4, HCS 577: DR 1

APA format 175 – 265 words Cite at least one (1) peer-reviewed reference Respond to the following:   Dr. Debbie Laughon Budgets can be challenging and there are many options to consider. Unfortunately, nursing / labor are the major cost for organizations. I find that the impact of technology is a significant factor. The industry … Read more

Critically Analyze

Critically analyze practices, procedures and institutional policies, and their impact on the effectiveness of the services offered to the client system in clinical social work. Two pages

Correction of week three

Create a detailed, annotated outline (full sentences, complete thoughts) of your final project for review by your Instructor. Provide a summary of any challenges that you have encountered and successes in your journey to the midway completion of your Research Proposal Project. Your instructor will provide feedback based on your submission to assist with your … Read more

Week 1 Discussion 5220 HUM

Argue for or against the following statement, using specific examples, similarities, or differences: Many leaders in the nonprofit sector state there are very few differences between how a nonprofit institution functions and is managed and how a for-profit institution functions and is managed. Reminder: Support your argument with at least two credible sources. For help … Read more

ASSIGNMENT 2 10/8/2022

Discussion 1 Your initial posts should be a minimum of 200 words.  Your post must be in APA Format if you use information from a source (please see resource tab).  This means you must cite your sources in the text and list them as references.  Your discussion must be written in the third person (No … Read more

8085 MD3 Assignment 1

To prepare: Identify and arrange to interview a leader within an early childhood program. This person may be a childcare center director, school administrator, faith-based children’s director, director of children’s programs at a local museum or library, etc. Your interview may be conducted face-to-face or electronically. Prior to the interview, be sure to let the … Read more


JUST THE ANSWER After reviewing the learning materials in this module (lectures, readings, videos), answer the following prompt in a focused response: After learning about the African influence in Latin America, how significant are the cultural contributions from the African diaspora, and how do they add to the complexity of Latin American identity? What stood … Read more