correctional 4.2

 In most correction agencies, high staffing levels help to perform the daily functions of various positions; on any given day.  Correctional supervisors must be well trained to know the elements of their duties to supervise appropriately. What type of actions makes a good supervisor? Should a college degree be required to become a correctional supervisor? … Read more

correctional 4.1

 A key component of supervision in a correctional organization is that authority and responsibilities must be aligned and assigned for each role or position. Correctional agencies are paramilitary organizations that use the chain of command and span of control within their day-to-day operations. Explain a correction organization’s use of the chain of command and span … Read more

Case Study Presentation

Goal: To conduct an assessment of health promotion while applying the nursing process and evidence based research to disseminate findings to course colleagues. Case: Jessica is a 32 y/old math teacher who presents to the ER with a friend for evaluation of sudden decrease of vision in the left eye. She denies any trauma or … Read more

WEEK 7 – FOCUSED SOAP NOTE -Personality and Paraphilic Disorders

   THE ASSIGNMENT: FOCUSED SOAP NOTE  Personality and Paraphilic Disorders To prepare:  Select a child/adolescent      patient from      your clinical experience that presents with a significant concern. Create      a focused SOAP note for this patient using the template in the      Resources.  Your presentation should      include objectives for your audience, at least three possible discussion      questions/prompts for … Read more

Wk 2, HCS 577: Comparative Summary

Assignment Content Identify one specific example from each health care financial environment. Write a 1,050- to 1,400-word summary that compares the financial environments of these three entities (St. Jude, Tampa VA, or American Red Cross). Your summary should: The examples must be specific healthcare examples. Describe the financial structure. Discuss which policies are unique to … Read more

8085 MD2 Assignment

For this Assignment, you will assume the role of a director of an early childhood setting of your choice. Imagine that you have just been awarded a generous grant to promote the professional development and leadership capacity of your staff. The focus of this Assignment, however, focuses less on the content of your professional development, … Read more

Big Data Analytics and Business Intelligence

Big Data Analytics and Business Intelligence in a Fortune 1000 (Walmart) Company Literature Review We have discussed how businesses have integrated Big Data Analytics with their Business Intelligence to gain dominance within their respective industry. Search the Google Scholar for Walmart that has been successful in this integration.  Conduct a literature review of big data … Read more

hw psy

 Prompt:In chapter three you learned about the biological foundations of behavior. In this discussion, I would like for you to watch the following video. How does this relate to what you learned in this chapter? What are the potential research areas that this could apply to? How does this impact what we know about the … Read more