week 3 discussion

CM is a 43-year-old female who presents with concerns regarding two painless right-breast lumps that she detected four months ago. She missed an appointment for evaluation by her primary-care provider at that time and presents today with reportedly no change in these findings since that time. There has been no breast discharge, bleeding, overlying skin … Read more

week 3 discussion

CM is a 43-year-old female who presents with concerns regarding two painless right-breast lumps that she detected four months ago. She missed an appointment for evaluation by her primary-care provider at that time and presents today with reportedly no change in these findings since that time. There has been no breast discharge, bleeding, overlying skin … Read more

peer response

Clozapine is an atypical antipsychotic that is used to treat treatment-resistant schizophrenia, treatment-resistant bipolar disorder and used for reduction of recurrent suicidal behavior. According to Stahl (2021), “Clozapine is widely recognized as being particularly effective when other drugs for psychosis fail and is thus the “gold standard” for efficacy in schizophrenia. Clozapine is also the … Read more

Imagine that you are networking with someone who said his company may have an opening and asked you for your résumé.

  Imagine that you are networking with someone who said his company may have an opening and asked you for your résumé. It’s been a week since you sent your résumé to him. When would you follow up? How would you follow up? Exercise Instructions:  You are required to submit a 2-Page (Title Page and … Read more

attack- Bali Nightclub Bombing, October 12, 2002

  In Milestone One, you chose your attack and provided background information. In this module, you will build on the information gathered for the first milestone and analyze your attack. You will focus on the ideology and motivation of the terrorist organization, the connections between ideology and the global nature of the attack, and the local … Read more


Listen this episode of the Planet Money podcast, Summer School 2: Markets and Pickles. You can find it on your phone and listen while you fold laundry (it’s 31 minutes). Respond each of the following prompts. Total response should be 100-200 words  (due 4/11) 1. Explain how the food banks improved efficiency by creating a market system … Read more

Leveraging IT

Your term paper pertains to finding and documenting an IT failure situation. Search the internet, library, and other resources (e.g. WSJ, NY Times, CIO.com, among others) for Google Stadia Failure.   Provide a detailed outline of your paper. The completed paper should be about 3-5000 words. Use the following generic outline. However, your submission should … Read more

I need a discussion done for my Strategy class for week 2

 Week 2 Discussion COLLAPSE Defining Your Playing Field The first step of the strategic development process is to determine the “Where to Play” choice that will then help you identify the segment of the market you are targeting and the competitors you will face. Review the Strategy Project Company Selection Guidelines and specify the company … Read more


  Watch Mike Robbins TED Talk on the “Power of Appreciation.”  Respond to the following questions. 1) What was your biggest takeaway from Mike Robbins video?   2) How does this video connect with Chapter 9 and  Chapter 10 content?   3) Think about one of the most meaningful recognitions you have ever received.  It can be … Read more