Assignment # 4

  Answer the following questions From the textbook Chapter 7 1.What are the major advantages and disadvantages of television advertising? 2.What are the major advantages and disadvantages of radio advertising? 3.What are the major advantages and disadvantages of magazine advertising? From the textbook Chapter 8 1.Define digital marketing. 2.How are blogs and newsletters used in … Read more

week 2 Sales, Advertising and Promotions

  Answer the following questions From the textbook Chapter 3 1.What are the five steps of the consumer buying decision-making process? Which two steps are the most important with regard to developing quality integrated marketing communications? 2.Define attitude. What are the three main components of attitude, and how are they related to purchasing decisions? 3.What … Read more


There are 3 files attached.  RJr_Exp19_Word_Ch04_ML1_Web (1) – This is the file is your work.  Exp19_Word_Ch04_ML1_Web_final_result (1) – This file is an example of how it should look.  Exp19_Word_Ch04_ML1_Web_Design_Instructions (1) – This file is instructions.  1. You must download the starting files available below. The file for this assignment will be unique to you, so … Read more

Literature review.

 Select a recent Health Care Legislature (within 5 years) Literature review regarding the issue (3 peer-reviewed articles) 5-Page Maximum (not including title page and references) Statistical data related to issue: population impacted, and health outcome of issue and legislature Nursing role in passing the legislature APA Format References within 5 years Due for Monday. 

HM assignment

Best Buy 2019 Dollar General 2018 You select a 3rd company for 2019 or 2020  Using Excel, develop a spreadsheet detailing their; Annual Cost of Goods Sold $, Inventory Level $, and then calculate their Inventory Holding $ (use 25% of their inventory level $) and their Inventory Turnover Ratio.  Cost of Goods … Read more


You will need to answer the questions attached to the pictures in the uploaded file. Make sure you label the question by writing the question then the answer and stating for which section it is since the questions are the same but the sections are different.  There are 4 sections you will need to observe … Read more

Discussion 7

 This is a ‘post-first’ discussion forum.There are currently 11 threads in this forum. Join the conversation by creating a thread!Create ThreadFORUM DESCRIPTION After reviewing the Chp. 7 ppt- Describe what is language? Describe the milestones in language development. Who is Noam Choms