
Part A We want to know what you think and how you’re doing! Let us know by responding to a few questions that will help you reflect on what you learned this week. The following prompts will give you a chance to self-evaluate, to think about what you’ve been learning in this course, and to … Read more


Phase 3: Generating initial themes Here, you aim to start identifying shared patterned meaning across the dataset. You compile clusters of codes that seem to share a core idea or concept, and which might provide a meaningful ‘answer’ to your research question. Although we originally identified this phase as searching for themes, that language can … Read more


Review week 3 content for this weeks readings and answer the following questions. Include citations from the readings or other peer reviewed sources cited in APA format.  Please provide 2 quality responses to peers Give an example of the benefits of warmth in communication with clients and colleagues  Identify and give an example of behaviors … Read more

Communication Interview

You will conduct a professional interview with a staff nurse and a staff nurse leader to discover their intra/inter-professional communications styles.  It will be important to incorporate learning objectives regarding therapeutic communication styles including their method of caring, assertive, and responsible communication in your discussion/analysis of the interview.

Liberal arts education vs Business

Topic Explanation: Disagreement exists among students, business journalists, and others connected with academia about the value of a liberal arts education in preparing students for a career in business. Supporters of liberal arts say that a broad-based education turns out graduates that have a broader range of skills and knowledge and thus broadens their employment … Read more

Literature Review

a detailed writeup of 15 articles, a document which should come in at 10-15 pages (NO TITLE PAGE NEEDED) Use all 15 references articles attached below Read them and deconstruct the key findings, connecting them to your project. It’s not just copy-paste. It’s reading the article, pulling the key findings out, and expressing them in … Read more

Carah Chapter 4

Read the following chapter from Carah. ( chapter attached) This chapter adds more detail to our examination of how meaning is made. It specifically helps us understand the theory of semiotics and the method of analysis. It returns to the definition of hegemony, power, ideology and discourse examined in the introductory chapter. After you have … Read more