Culturally Competent

 Describe your acculturation experience as a new graduate to the culture of the nursing profession. How is it similar or different from the acculturation experience of a new nursing colleague who joined your team within the past year?   Your initial post should be at least 500 words, formatted, and cited in current APA style with support … Read more

What would you do to transform the culture in the NFL organizations to prevent sexual assault?

Assume you are in charge of one of the major professional sports organization (i.e., National Football League, Major League Baseball, National Basketball Association, FIFA, US Gymnastics).  The issues of domestic violence & sexual assault have existed for some time but meaningful change has not yet occurred (e.g., NFL has taken some actions but baseball is far … Read more

the corporate culture factor

 Corporate culture is taking a serious look at how they promote diversity and inclusion.  Research the internet about the corporate cultures of three leading technology  companies (example in Figure 1.27 of your text). Compare each statement of values  and describe the type of employees you think each company is desires. Analyze their  approach toward diversity. … Read more


Think of open-ended questions that will encourage the musicians to share significant information about their experiences making music. After you create the Interview Questions, write a few sentences about the preparations you have made for compiling your observations of music making as a participant or observer. Where are you in the process?  Are all of … Read more

1-2 double spaced

As part of your company’s commitment to cultural awareness, each employee is urged to bring a piece of art, clothing, music, or something similar that you think represents your culture and how you think of yourself.


 Think of at least three research questions relating to the music culture that you want to explore. Reflect on these questions. To guide your reflections on these questions, compile source information on your subject through library and Internet research, documenting three of the best library sources. After compiling your list of six sources (3 library … Read more


1) Choose a topic and find a live listening opportunity to hear and observe musicians participating in the music culture you have chosen. 2) Secure permission to participate in music making or participate as an active observer. 3) Confirm that you will be able to speak with at least one of the musicians.

Creating an Ethical Culture TACC

Write a 4-5 page response that includes an analysis of ethical culture components, a plan for creating an ethical corporate culture, and recommendations to sustain an ethical corporate culture. Introduction In the global economy, we see law and ethics wrestling with similar issues; laws from different jurisdictions and ethical codes from different cultures may clash … Read more