Professional Assignment #1

Your company provided you with data about sales, customers, and products. You review the data and find yourself concerned when you notice the high customer churn rates (loss of current customer-base).  Discuss some methods or applications of data science that can help identify potential customer churn and how it can help prevent customers leaving (retention).  … Read more

Data Collection Practice

A maker of energy drinks is considering abandoning can containers and going exclusively to bottles because the sales manager believes customers prefer drinking from bottles. However, the vice president in charge of marketing is not convinced the sales manager is correct. Investigate this issue using statistical analysis.

RG and crime m3A2

Discussion Board Topic: In Module 3, several different theories attempting to explain the relationship between crime and race are presented. Pick your favorite theory and create an infographic, presentation, or short video talking about it. Environmental Injustice Theory: Air pollution linked to increases in violent criminal behavior Does the theory you have selected do … Read more


answer in bulletin format first. Then reply to each question with At least 150 words. What do you think are the two most important considerations when looking at crime, victimization, and race? What are some steps that the criminal justice system can take to make sure that there is not bias present in arrests or … Read more

complaints analysis

  The provided set of data has complaints information obtained from a call center. Management assigned you to complete some tasks on their behalf. Complete the following in a 4 to 6 page, APA-formatted Word document: Analyze the data by categorizing the complaints. Provide a complaints analysis based on: Complaints categories Geographic distributions of the … Read more


URGENT NEED TO DONE 3 HOURS  A Realtor in Massachusetts is analyzing the relationship between the sale price of a home (in $), it’s the square footage (in ft2), the number of bedrooms, the number of bathrooms, and a colonial dummy variable (colonial equals 1 if a colonial-style home; 0 otherwise). The relater collects data … Read more

Neural Network

A Realtor in Massachusetts is analyzing the relationship between the sale price of a home (in $), it’s the square footage (in ft2), the number of bedrooms, the number of bathrooms, and a colonial dummy variable (colonial equals 1 if a colonial-style home; 0 otherwise). The relater collects data of 36 sales in Massachusetts for … Read more

Race and gender A2M1

Blog Directions: Do statistics, such as the one you looked at in the NCVS  and WISQARS, contribute meaningfully to conversations about race and crime? Take a screenshot of the data set you found most compelling and include it in this blog post(use the + button to insert an image from your device). What about this … Read more