Course Project

 Housing Data File This data set contains 25 variables that are described in the data dictionary tab and include several categorical variables, some binary variables, and numerical data. You can approach this data from a variety of perspectives using the techniques you learned in class to answer questions. Use the tool of your choice but … Read more

Visualizing Data Part 2

  Create a different chart based on the same data that you used for visualizing data part 1. Compare the different types of visual presentations. Which chart is more effective at demonstrating the data? Why? Use Microsoft Excel or comparable software to create your chart. Note: If you use software other than Excel, make sure … Read more

Visualizing Data Part 1

 Using the data supplied by the Riverbend City scenario about the Homeless Teen Program, create a chart that addresses your group’s problem, using Microsoft Excel or comparable software. Note: If you use software other than Excel, make sure the files that the program generates can be read in the courseroom (PDF, JPEG, XLS, and PNG … Read more


   1.1 CourseworkTask to be completed by Students Component 01 – Individual Reflective Report During your Advance Practice you will have developed a number of skills and will have experienced a number of emotions. This component gives you the opportunity to reflect, analyse and propose future actions as a result of your experiences during this … Read more

week 5 hw

Data is widely used by the health care industry and the community at large to understand and anticipate trends in diseases and other health issues, treatments, and prevention. Therefore, it is imperative that the data provided to all parties is timely, accurate, and useful.   350- to 700 in which you explain advanced techniques in data … Read more

Smart Parking Space App Presentation

Purpose   This assignment illustrates how data analytics can be used to create strategies for sustainable organizational success while integrating the organization’s mission with societal values. You’ll apply statistical time series modeling techniques to identify patterns and develop time-dependent demand models. You’ll practice organizing and delivering a presentation to senior decision-makers. The PowerPoint presentation includes an audio … Read more


Topic: Impact of Divorce on Children  Assignment #2  2Pg Use the topic and answer these questions below:  How has the problem been addressed so far? What has been the result?  Who are the stakeholders? Are there opposing sides of the issue?  Are there marginalized voices that should be included? Must answer these questions thoroughly.  Focus … Read more