English Homework Help

   Format: Times New Roman, 12″ font, double spaced, saved as word document  Length: 800 words (be concise!) This paper will require you to conduct independent research and then analyze what you researched in terms of course material (Lesson 11a/b/c). For the case, research and write about each of the following:  · Describe the organization: … Read more

500-750 words discussion

In the internet age it is easier to learn more about companies from which we buy products, and a consumer often – but not always – has more choices about which companies to patronize. If the head of a company has political, economic, or social views which you learn about and find problematic or distasteful, … Read more

relates to motivation

 guidelines are only (1) length 5 – 6 pages single-spaced; (2) sources at least 2, and they can be reputable websites as well as books and journal articles); (3) style (the more coherent and tied together the narrative is, the better the grade, so topics should not be so overly broad that coherence is difficult … Read more

Criminal Professionalism

This assignment of a five-page paper. The paper should be well-structured and should demonstrate your ability to analyze a topic, provide fact-based research, and demonstrate  critical thinking skills. The paper should be completed in MLA format. Points will be deducted for misspelled words and poor grammar. The paper should be typewritten double spaced, 12-point font … Read more

10 page paper

In 2021, CNBC published a list of 50 most innovative start-up companies. They are called disruptors and include (1) Stripe, (2) Impossible Foods, (3) SentnelOne, (4) Checkout.com, (5) Clear, (6) Lineage Logistics, and (7) TytoCare. Select any of these seven entrepreneurial companies to write a research paper. The paper should be 10 -12 pages in … Read more

answer questions with 2 pages

1.Accountability is increasingly a focal point in public administration. How are public agencies subjected to greater accountability than the private and non-profit sectors? Is this emphasis on budget accountability constructive or more of an unnecessary nuisance? 2.Administrative regulations are a major element in the world of public administration. How are these regulations developed and guided … Read more

Budget Proposal Reflection

  Now that you’ve completed your budget proposal, it’s important that you reflect on your research and practice. Reflection allows you to acknowledge your achievement and take note of opportunities for improvement in the future.  Write a 1,000- to 1,250-word paper reflecting on the budget proposal you created in Week 4, as well as on … Read more


 Review all the materials discussed in this and the preceding module. After reading the information and guidelines, discuss why nutrition and weight status are important for health. Post one reference you used for the evidence-based information you are discussing. 

Planning an Effective Team

   Introduction Effective teams require effective team members with key traits and characteristics. The leader of an effective team must be able to define team roles, describe role responsibilities, choose tasks for each role, and seek out team members with the skills to complete these tasks. This assignment gives you an opportunity to show these … Read more