Plato, Republic

 Book IV of the Republic, by Plato, provide written answers to the following questions.  Please give complete answers in complete sentences.  *   1. What are the three main parts of the soul, as identified in the selection?  What is the virtue distinctive to each? 2. What is justice, according to the selection?  How is … Read more

code of ethics paper

Which ethical principles are most relevant for you in this situation (deontology, utilitarianism, fairness)? Why? What are the individual-level and community-level effects of unethical behavior (however you define it)? Define a set of ethically-questionable behaviors. Define a set of potential consequences for unethical behavior. What are other students’ views on these behaviors? Their views on … Read more

Ethics Assignment 1300 Words

  In this final written assignment, you will combine what you have done in these two exercises by examining an ethical issue and defending your own position on an ethical question regarding that issue. This final written assignment should be written in form with the following clearly labeled sections: Introduction Ethical Argument Explanation and Defense … Read more


I need an article on Professionalism, Ethics, and Valued-Based Conflicts in Counseling. Please see attachment on what is needed in the article. I need the article by Saturday 9th, thanks for your help

CMRJ308 Ethics

 discuss some of the peer-reviewed research findings pertaining to why individuals behave unethically. In doing so, discuss using critical thinking what the academic literature has to say and apply that information toward police officer unethical conduc

ethical dilemma 2

Case A: Joey & EAP You are seeing Joey, a 25-year-old man, who was referred through his employer’s Employee Assistant Program. The man claims symptoms of depression and anxiety. He states that if his boss finds out he has depression they will move him to a less favorable position and he is afraid it will … Read more


REFLECT on the following 3 questions: 1. What is the difference between a boundary-focused approach and a relationally-oriented approach (as per Combs & Freedman) in therapy? 2. Under what conditions would you do the following (by answering these questions, you are starting to self-assess and design “policies” for your practice–some of which you might include … Read more