Ethics, Nursing research and Nursing theory (Due 20 hours)

  APA format 1) Minimum 6 pages  (No word count per page)- Follow the 3 x 3 rule: minimum three paragraphs per page You must strictly comply with the number of paragraphs requested per page.            Part 1: minimum  1 page            Part 2: minimum  3 pages            Part 3: minimum  1 page            Part 4: minimum  1 page … Read more

wk 6c Jose

   Please read the below article involving the LAPD Crash Unit and respond to the classmate discussion post below in minimum of 100 words: Rampart CRASH Unit Article Review:   If I was a newly hired chief of police in my department, I would implement the following ethical based program to prevent a Rampart type … Read more

Theoretical frameworks and international ethical guidelines assignment help

   Assessment 2: work OVERVIEW In this assessment you will write an work that builds on and draws from your knowledge about ethics – both the theoretical frameworks and international ethical guidelines. Studying moral philosophy and ethics allows us to explore our understandings of what is right and wrong, where these ideas come from and … Read more

Prof and Bus Ethics

  You should submit a paper proposal of no less than 500 words. This will be a preliminary discussion of the topic for your research paper (see the syllabus for more on the paper itself). The proposal should give an overview of the problem (i.e. what’s the moral issue?), and also give a sketch of … Read more

wk 6d scott c

    Watch the film, Warrieor vs. Guardian mindsets in Policing from the link below.  Respond to the classmate discussion post below in a minimum of 100 words.  After viewing the film, and based on my own experience, the modern police officer needs to have several qualities. Law enforcement has changed dramatically in the last … Read more

Wk 6b Scott C.

   Please read the below article involving the LAPD Crash Unit and respond to the classmate discussion post below in minimum of 100 words: Rampart CRASH Unit Article Review:   The Rampart Crash Scandal left a bad mark on policing nationwide. The behavior developed under the noble cause umbrella, and the initial impact was rewarded … Read more


  After reading the case study, answer the following question in your initial post:  pages 119-120 of Ethics and Public Health: Model Curriculum PDF.  How should the board of directors and administration respond to Our Covenant Health Center’s changing patient population and the language assistance needs of the new patients seeking care there? Consider … Read more

Wk 6c Jerence

   Please read the below article involving the LAPD Crash Unit and respond to the classmate discussion post below in minimum of 100 words: Rampart CRASH Unit Article Review:   As a newly appointed chief my first order of business to prevent the rampart type scandal is to strengthen my supervisors with the knowledge, … Read more

Wk 6 E disucssion

  Read the article titled Ethical Risk Assessment by Anne Federwisch (Markkula Center for Applied Ethics) and respond in a minimum of 200 words to the below question.  Explain how the information gleaned from this article may be applied to a police or corrections agency.  How would you change the methodology?