Culture of Safety

 Why are organizations encouraged to develop a culture of safety? How can a culture of safety be achieved? How can a culture of safety be assessed? Research and identify an article discussing a healthcare organization e.g. hospital, nursing home, surgery center, patient care facility etc. that has implemented innovative safety operations to reduce corporate risk. … Read more

IP – Professional Liability and Medical Malpractice 3-5pgs not including title pg

The Medical Staff Coordinator has again called upon your expertise in the area of healthcare law. You have been asked to provide a written discussion on professional liability and medical malpractice. You are asked to provide the information outlined below and use research (at least two sources) to substantiate your discussion. Define liability and malpractice. … Read more

Ethical Code of Conduct

 Create an ethical code of conduct for those in governance, management, and professional staff for any one of these health care organization:    Out-Patient Center – Brief background of the facility. Organization structure of the facility and duties/ responsibilities of those in management and professional staff. Two possible ethical dilemmas that may be encountered. Ethical standards … Read more

Week 7 Outline

Final Paper (Week 7): 150 points It is expected that the final version of your Healthcare Policy Analysis Paper will be 8-10 pages in length, with 6-8 sources identified. Your paper should be 12-pt. Times New Roman font, double spaced, with standard margins. You should have a thesis statement in your introduction identifying the legislation/policy … Read more


  Leroy Banks is the Director of Change Management for Red Carpet, a national hospitality and entertainment company. He has contracted you to be an OD Consultant because Red Carpet has recently acquired a movie theater company and needs to manage the change process. External forces for change are those that come from an organization’s … Read more

Digital Health Technologies in KSA

Digital Health Technologies in KSA  Evaluate the use of digital health technologies in Saudi Arabia that would support expanding patient access to medical care by researching six peer-reviewed articles on this topic and then creating a brochure or infographic using appropriate templates available online. Discuss how these information technology innovations can benefit the Saudi population … Read more

Physician-Assisted Suicide  Differentiate between allowing a patient to die and physician-assisted suicide. What are the legal implications of the two concepts? What moral implications do they have? Why are doctors reluctant to abide by patient or family wishes to stop life support machines?