
Second, read all the operational definitions provided by your group members. Then, reply to the post that you think is the most valid definition . In your reply, explain:  1) Why you chose that definition as the most valid definition. Explain your choice. Note: you could choose your own, as long as you explain why you … Read more

Nursing homework.

·         Describe what was the most concerning aspect of diversity and inclusion you identified throughout the assignment.  ·         Discuss at least recommendations you suggest to address the concern include what other disciplines should be involved. ·         Discuss how learning about diversity and inclusion is important while in the nursing program and upon entering nursing practice. 

Education Unit 3: Assignment – Project III – Observation in a Primary (K-3rd) classroom in a private or public school

  Introduction Introduction: Students will complete an observation in a K-3rd grade classroom in a public or private school that has been previously approved by the instructor. Time completed during the observation must be logged on the required form for the course. The pre-assessment form required for the course must be fully completed during the … Read more

Research Paper

  You      will review both quantitative and qualitative research. The topic is up to      you as long as you choose a peer-reviewed, academic research piece. I      suggest choosing a topic that is at least in the same family as your      expected dissertation topic so that you can start viewing what is out      there. There are … Read more

Week 6: Deontology

Can Rules Define Morality – YouTube In your own words, explain the two formulas inside Kant’s Categorical Imperative. What makes the Categorical Imperative special? Apply Kant’s moral philosophy to a moment in your life where you behaved wrong/immoral. How can these two formulas make you realize you behaved wrong?  Im gonna add this because Wass … Read more

Disc 4

Discussion #4: American Imperial Expansion The Republican victory in 1896 gave heart to proponents of prosperity through foreign trade.   McKinley sought neither war nor colonies, but many in his party wanted both. Called “jingos,” they included Assistant Secretary of the Navy, Theodore Roosevelt; John Hay, the ambassador to London, and senators Albert Beveridge and … Read more