Social service agency assignment help

Students must submit a 4 page reflection work for this assignment.  There are two options on how you can complete this assignment.  Please choose only one of the following options:   ***OPTION #1: SERVICE-LEARNING REFLECTION WORK Students must complete a minimum of 10 hours of service-learning at a social service agency throughout the course of … Read more


   You will need to prepare for this discussion by researching the internet for elements of an effective job interview.  Discuss your findings regarding what you learned about how to have a successful job interview. Address how to prepare for an interview along with some of the “do’s and don’ts of an effective interview. … Read more

Language and Literacy Development

 Read and View all resources in your module. Refer to the 6 Skills of Early Literacy – Vocabulary (Links to an external site.) video to complete this assignment. Do a reflection about what you have learned related to vocabulary development. Make sure to include detailed information to support your statements. What are the 6 skills of … Read more


Apple issued a news release about Apple iphone SE. Please read it and evaluate this press release in terms of its 1) news value,  2) content ( read the 4 fundamentals of writing of page 319; use  numbers 3 & 4 to make your  critique)   3) essentials ( inverted pyramid model).  Please read the … Read more


1. We are going to ask ourselves the following questions: what is art?  what is spirituality?  what is creativity?  what is the connection between these several  terms?   We are also going to cover the following topics: * Modern art as disciplining the mind, sight, and discourse.    *  Creativity and spirituality? What is it? How … Read more


In 400-500 words, answer this pair of questions. Would you say that the international definitions of freedom of expression contained in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) and the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR) are consistent or inconsistent with the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution? Would you agree with the … Read more

Values, Ethics, and Conflicts Resolution

  Discussion 2 Over the past few weeks, we have discussed how to manage ethics from an individual and organizational perspective. As you reflect on this, answer the following questions: 1. How can organizations best promote ethical behavior and what are the biggest challenges for organizations when creating an ethical culture? 2. What makes a … Read more

Email Etiquette

After reading the 101 Email Etiquette Tips__ (Links to an external site.), comment on why you think these tips are important and indicate which tip number you like the most and why.