5/3 Assignment

Phase 3 of Final Project: Write a two- to four-page paper that addresses and reflects upon the following: Describe the concepts and practices of designing and implementing business continuity and disaster recovery plan. How might you test a disaster recovery plan? What should a risk management plan include? How does a change management plan impact … Read more


  please discuss why it is important to ensure an alignment between business processes, the architecture, and the vision of the organization, and answer ONE of the following questions: Why is it so important to establish an Enterprise Architecture Governance framework? What are some of the most important characteristics relevant to EA governance? How does … Read more

week 14

  Our assignment for the week is a minimum 300-word initial discussion board post and a minimum of 2 100-word minimum responses. This week we focus on composition.  Discuss the key components of composition in data visualization.  Note why the components are valuable when creating visualizations by highlighting an example from the internet. Be sure … Read more

4/4 Assignment

Paper on Mitigation Strategy Phase 2 of Final Project: Provide a comprehensive mitigation strategy based on the threat analysis done in Assignment 2.4. As mentioned in Assignment 2.4, you may use a fictitious company, one that you researched on the Internet, or your own workplace (with an alias used for the company name). Conduct Internet … Read more

4/3 Discussion

Read Chapters 14–17 in your textbook. Using the discussion link below, respond to the following prompts and questions: What types of threats can impact operations of the infrastructure? What steps can be taken to protect systems in the infrastructure (server or desktop systems and beyond)? How can threats from Internet-based activities, such as the use … Read more

4/2 Reading

Read Chapters 14–17 in your textbook. Using the discussion link below, respond to the following questions: What was the most useful takeaway for you from this workshop’s reading? What concept from the reading is the most applicable to you now in your profession, and how might you implement it?

4/1 Devotional

The scriptures suggest that you “train up a child in the way they should go, and even when he is old he will not depart from it” (Proverbs 22:6, ESV). Training is considered important in maintaining a healthy perspective in life. So too can training of employees provide many benefits. A security awareness program provided … Read more

Information literacy

Evaluation Title: Exploring Databases and Creating a Research Strategy This assignment will develop your understanding of how to best use the databases that are located within the Herzing University Library.  Please download the Unit 4 Assignment Worksheet (below) to your computer. Navigate to the Herzing University Library. Follow the directions and answer the questions on the … Read more