NFT game development services from leading blockchain and game developers

Blockchain game development company Blockchain games are applications that have built-in Blockchain transactions. The gaming industry turned to this technology so that people could earn money on gaming with withdrawals. The technology has great potential in the gaming industry. Once the game exists on a centralized server, the developers can abandon or close the project … Read more

anatomy module 6 discussion

  Directions:  According to the National Institutes of Mental Health, over 17 million Americans experience a major depressive episode in an average year. Additionally, the NIHM estimates that 31.1% of Americans will experience diagnosed anxiety during their lifetime (NIMH, 2021). As we learn about the nervous system this module, we can use these two common disorders to help … Read more

finance and economics

  pen your Excel Assignment Workbook and navigate to the “W6A4 Budget Development” worksheet. Using the Healthcare Budget Request Guide for guidance, create a 5-year budget for the healthcare product or service that records the projected expenses and revenues associated with the healthcare product or service you have proposed. Be sure to include startup and operating expenses in your … Read more


Check the Input & Output slide in Week 6. Implement the File Input/Output example presented in pages 25. You need to create your own test.txt file using any text editor. The input file should have some integer values (e.g., 10 values) separated by whitespaces. Normally this input file should be placed in the same directory … Read more

Assignment 2

 In this mini-case study, you have been assigned a task to evaluate the  best access control for a hospital building. Evaluate which of these  three types of access control systems: Discretionary Access Control  (DAC), Mandatory Access Control (MAC), and Role-Based Access Control  (RBAC) would be the right fit for the task at hand? 


  To Prepare Review the Skin Conditions document provided in this week’s Learning Resources, and select one condition to closely examine for this Lab Assignment. Consider the abnormal physical characteristics you observe in the graphic you selected. How would you describe the characteristics using clinical terminologies? Explore different conditions that could be the cause of … Read more

adv pharmacology

  Once the underlying cause is identified, an appropriate drug therapy plan can be recommended based on medical history and individual patient factors. In this Assignment, you examine a case study of a patient who presents with symptoms of a possible GI/hepatobiliary disorder, and you design an appropriate drug therapy plan. To Prepare Review the … Read more


 Critique your colleague’s targeted questions, and explain how the patient might interpret these questions. Explain whether any of the questions would apply to your patient, and why. 

day care / after school invoice created

 i need one made so i can  Provide the name of my child/dependent, age, name of care provider, hours per week, and cost per week. You can provide an updated agreement with the requested information along with signatures from you and the provider or an invoice or billing statement from your provider.