Individual Project Week 5: Predictive Analytics

 Please follow the instruction in Data Analytics–AI_Machine Learning Project to work on prediction and classification using machine learning algorithms via Orange software. Submit screenshots of all models in a word document and the completed Orange (2 files – one for FEV target and one for Smoker target) and excel files (childhood-Respiratory-Disease) (include the regression analysis for FEV … Read more


Topic: Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS)  Complete the ATI Systems Disorder template for your assigned respiratory topic. Every box on the template must be completed, a citation is needed for every box, and your reference list must be included (APA). 


  Research: Search on the Internet or in the online Library for two  sources that explain various kinds of network cabling. Ensure that the  sources are up to date and appropriate for master’s level work. This  part of the assignment must rely on source material, not personal  experience. Coaxial cables Twisted pair cables (including various … Read more

Usa History

REQUIREMENTS Your submission must be your original work. No more than a combined total of 30% of the submission and no more than a 10% match to any one individual source can be directly quoted or closely paraphrased from sources, even if cited correctly. An originality report is provided when you submit your task that … Read more


  With the change this week’s assignment to using PHP for form validation instead of JavaScript, let’s use this to share some resources about how to do it as well as other things that PHP can do. Share 2 resources about PHP, one with form validation and another showing another feature that you could implement … Read more


 Week 13 DiscussionThis is a required assignment worth 15 points (15-points/1000-points). Assignment must be submitted by the due date. No late assignments are allowed. Please discuss the following topics and provide substantive comments to at least two other posts. Select from the following list four (4) topics and discuss. Use only 50-words max per topic to … Read more


 Project  Use APA 7th Edition to format the paper. Provide the following information about the ten (10) articles including summarizing the following sections. Reference back to the Guidelines for Evaluating a Research Article to determine if the authors addressed each section. Title – Add the title of each article at the top of the page. … Read more

Unit 8 Assignment

  In this assignment, you will create a presentation explaining, among other topics, the diverse backup solutions and storage redundancy concepts, devices, and related technologies. You will be able to identify and recommend to the chief technology officer of Widgets, Inc., the best storage device and level of redundancy (e.g., RAID) solution. Of special interest … Read more


  Scenario: The Metropolitan Piano Association (MPA)  is an organization of piano teachers in the Global Springfield area.  Their purpose is to promote the education and performance of piano  students of all ages through hosting a variety of live student  performances and competitions. These competitions result in awards for  the top performers, those who improved … Read more