Healthcare Policy and Delivery

 I need two reply  of 200 words  Minimum of two scholarly references in APA format within the last five years published topic Welcome to our reflection discussion. Please reflect on the topics we have covered over the last 15 weeks, discuss healthcare policy and politic and discuss the impact of mentors during the course.

Healthcare Policy and Delivery Systems

   Topic:   Agency Synopsis PowerPoint Presentation You will create a grid listing 5 regulatory agencies that regulate health and the health care system within the United States. You will answer the following based on the 5 regulatory agencies:  Describe the      agency, level of regulatory authority (local, state, federal,), scope of      regulatory authority, and role within … Read more

Can you answer this question ?

Provide an examination of at least 1 biblical text that can be used as an argument for a Christian’s responsibility to conduct research in an ethical manner. Cite and summarize the biblical text and provide specific application to common research practices. In 350 words. 


Read the following cases and identify whether training is an appropriate solution to each. Case 1) A bank manager has noticed that two to three employees continually show up late to work and she wants them to start arriving on time. Case 2) Many new employees at a company struggle to learn the main customer … Read more


I need the following discussion questions answered in 150 words each. Please provide references with each DQ question. MODULE 1 DQ1 When is training a good answer to an organizational problem? When might it not be the best answer? DQ2 What are some of the historical developments (in terms of models of approaches to training) … Read more