Abortion Policy

Please, discuss a state-level response to the reversal of Roe v Wade through one specific, politically-feasible policy measure, and provide 2 to 3 paragraphs of written response.  1, Please briefly explain the policy basis for why you selected that particular state of Arkansas ( Because it has the second highest number of reported rapes (73.5 … Read more

Complete ONE of the activities listed in “Exercises on Policy Instruments” on p. 232 in Chapter 9. DUE September 25.

1. Write three brief policies designed to reach each of the following goals. For each goal use three different instruments. a. Improve district test scores. b. Expand the use of computers in schools across the state. c. Increase the number of young women enrolled in engineering programs. d. Reduce student tardiness in a high school. … Read more

Module 06 Course Project – America Versus Universal Healthcare

Module 06 Content Instructions Select a country with a universal healthcare system (Canada, Australia, New Zealand or any other). Once selected, compare their approach to healthcare spending to that of the U.S. Write a 2-3-page summary that includes the following: Discuss the differences in healthcare politics Explain how the two countries finance their healthcare systems … Read more

Social Justice Policy

For this Discussion, interact in a free-flowing discussion of the  biblical and constitutional parameters for the particular policy focus  being discussed this module. In other words, you must discuss the “May”  portion of the “May-Can-Should” approach to policy analysis and  implementation.  Remember to provide thoughts on what government should or should not do  from a … Read more

Historical Changes

Choose one of the following programs to discuss: Medicare, or payroll deduction (railroad, interstate, federal programs). Write a 1,000- to 1,200-words that covers the following historical changes: Discuss the historical perspective, demand, and creation of the program. Explain the background, benefits, who was covered, and the challenges involved in creating the program. Describe how your … Read more

Module 03 Course Project – State Policy

Module 03 Content Instructions As new illnesses, conditions, diseases, technology or approaches to treatment are discovered and/or used in healthcare we often create new policies to accompany them. Policies are typically enacted to prevent situations from becoming worse and oftentimes to improve outcomes. Some policies are implemented on a national level while others only apply … Read more

Unit 4 : Discussion Board Due 08.31.2022

For this Discussion Board, please complete the following: As a new healthcare leader you have been tasked with developing policy for local lawmakers, politicians, and business owners with regard to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) guidelines for COVID-19. For this discussion, you will Explore the Covid Data Tracker and the Covid-19 Policy … Read more

Unit 3 – discussion board due 08.25.2022

  For this Discussion Board, please complete the following: The healthcare world and the world overall is now a very different place since the COVID-19 global pandemic uprooted people’s daily lives. Healthcare policy had to change on a dime in many places. For example, hospitals fearing the worst limited the visitation of family members to … Read more

Module 01 Course Project – Provision in the Affordable Care Act Module 01 Course Project – Provision in the Affordable Care Act

Module 01 Content Instructions This assignment/project will cover the length of the entire course with a portion of the project due each module. You will select a role and address the assignment each week from that perspective. The project will require you to assess the impact of a specific provision included in the Affordable Care … Read more