
  1.Why do firms that pursue related diversification strategy tend to outperform others? Read Elon Musk’s Big Bets article and answer these 2 questions: 1. Assess Tesla’s overall strategy in the electric vehicle industry: Is Tesla pursuing a sustainable business model as an automaker? 2. Should Elan Musk drive Tesla to become a large automobile company, … Read more


What constitutes American music? Should music brought over from another country and performed in America in much the same manner as abroad be counted? Does it need to be composed in America, or just performed here? Does it need to be distinct in some way from music composed/performed elsewhere? What kind of guidelines might we … Read more


For the Section 2 Discussion Board, I would like you to go back to the pdf on Character in the Section 1 folder.  After you have reacquainted yourself with the terminology discussed there, I would like you to write an analysis of the characters found in the stories we have read in this section.  Are … Read more


   1) why incumbent firms often pursue incremental innovations. *Read the article “apple Inc” by David B. Yoffie and Eric Balwin, then answer these questions:  2) How sustainable is Apple’s position in the PC industry going forward? 3) How sustainable is Apple’s position in the new product markets entered since the late 1990’s

Discussion post

  Directions:  A) After reading Chapters 7 and 8, and watching the videos, answer the discussion board questions using ONE (1) of the presentation methods below: 2-3 pages summary (Response to all of the initial discussion board questions below)   (Refer to Chapter 7): Draft a logic model for the program (health needs assessment of choice): … Read more


For the Section 4 Discussion Board, I would like you to go back to the pdf on Theme in the Section 1 folder.  After you have reacquainted yourself with the terminology discussed there, I would like you to select THREE of the stories from the readings in this section and discuss how the theme of … Read more


1)   Discuss what is meant by resources and capabilities and the difference between them.  Further discuss what is meant by a firm’s core capability.  2) read “mobileye” article, and:   Assess how Mobileye can mitigate: a. the threat of imitation b. the threat of substitution c. the treat from suppliers d. the treat from buyers  … Read more

Discussion – Reflection on the Course (Multidimensional Care I)

Directions: Initial Post Areas for reflection: Describe how you achieved each course competency including at least one example of new knowledge gained related to that competency. Describe how this new knowledge will impact your nursing practice. Course Competencies Apply strategies for safe, effective multidimensional nursing practice when providing basic care and comfort for clients. Select … Read more


   1) How we might consider encouraging responsibility and being safe without creating unnecessary fear of other people. 2) Two theories that provide the best explanation for why most people who engage in criminal activity do so.

Criminal Investigation

Look at the following additional material: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=100hzugBVEQ&t=3s https://www.fbi.gov/news/stories/30-year-old-murder-solved When you watch the story of my esteemed colleague Detective Pat Postiglione, focus on the Michael Scott Magliolo. Explain the different types of fingerprint detectives can find, the different methods for evidence preservation, and the workings of resources available to accomplish what Pat was able to do … Read more