Role Play 3: Intervention Ungraded, 125 Possible Points

  Instructions Intervention (covers material learned in weeks 8 to 15): This role play is your opportunity to demonstrate emerging skills in choosing and enacting an appropriate evidence-based intervention with your client. You will select a therapy approach reviewed during this semester (CBT (1st wave, 2nd wave, or 3rd wave), Narrative Therapy, Solution Focused Therapy … Read more

6070 WK7

   How do you deal with the aftermath of a tragedy? Working with staff to return to a sense of “normalcy” after a traumatic event can be difficult and challenging. In addition to providing support for staff, you must consider the event’s impact on clients as well. As an administrator, you can integrate your clinical … Read more

6311 WK7

In social work practice and in program development, it is possible to make faulty assumptions about what clients need and what social work activities will lead to. Consider the following: A team of social workers meets to discuss their services to low-income young mothers. One social worker states that what the young mothers need most … Read more

Competency 7

  Print out form and watch online training for the OSU TBI Identification Method: Traumatic Brain Injury ( (self-paced, 45-60 minutes) This online training instructs individuals on how to screen a client for lifetime history of TBI using the Ohio State University TBI Identification Method (OSU TBI-ID), a 3-5 minute structured interview that is available … Read more

Assignment II

Continue off the previous assignment Introduction – Program theory – Define the term “program theory” What is BCDSS’s program theory  Logic Model – Presented in narrative format. Diagram placed in the appendix Identify Inputs Identify Activities Identify Outputs Identify Outcomes Identify Impact Complete Logic Model Attachment as well 3-4 pgs typed, double-spaced with a cover … Read more

MSW-6003 v3: Professional Practice with Organizations and Communities : Week 1 – Assignment: Discuss Ethical Use of Technology in Macro Practice

 INSTRUCTION For this assignment, consider how macro social work techniques can fit into your practice and how you can integrate these to make a difference in the communities you serve.  Prepare a brief reflection paper addressing the following: Begin by describing the roots of macro practice in the history and development of social work as … Read more

SOCW 6301

  Submit a 2-page literature review demonstrating what is known about your topic and any identified gaps. The literature review must include at least four of the peer-reviewed research articles you found.  At the end of your literature review, write 1 to 2 paragraphs answering the following question: How will you change, refine, or focus … Read more