Week 3 Assignment

See Attached Doc to be filled out Topic selection is relevant, manageable, and interesting, and is not too broad or too narrow. Problem is clearly stated. Possible areas for research and gaps in current literature have been thoroughly addressed. Research questions can guide you. REMINDER THE TOPIC IS:  The fairness of standardized tests in education

Week 3 Discussion

300 word minimum.  Search for a qualitative research study in education from the past six months (Link Below). Link: https://psycnet.apa.org/record/2022-77904-001 Identify the research design, purpose, and focus of the study.  What is at least one ethical consideration of the researchers for this study?

discussion board

What are some examples of innovative crime-fighting techniques in the war on cyber-crime?  Do any of these diminish a person’s rights?  Posts are to be a minimum of THREE fully developed  paragraphs must include a reference.

Demonstrating Technological Advances Writing Help

   Technological advances in the field of computer science In today’s environment, every organization has various uses for increasing computer performance. People who want to work in their chosen field should stay updated on the newest technology breakthroughs, applications, and discoveries. Machine learning is a technological advancement that has helped many industries, primarily by using … Read more

future technology

  post at least ten (10) separate technology ideas, Be sure to choose emerging technologies that have not yet been completely developed into a product, service, or idea.  The technology idea posting should include: (1) Dialogue Subject: line that describes the technology; (2) a full article, attachment or working link to an article, photo, video, or audio … Read more


Discuss the role of science and technology in our everyday lives  Identify the different branches of science and their applications  Needs to be 600 or more words.  2 different questions 

Research Report- Emerging TEchnologies

You are working for a corporation. You are in charge of implementing new technologies in your organization. Select one of the emerging technologies we covered in this class. For example, 4D printing or Robotics. Write a convincing proposal for your company why they should be implementing this technology you selected.  Your paper should include: a … Read more