chose- Bali Nightclub Bombing, October 12, 2002

 In this first milestone, you will complete an introduction and provide background information on your chosen attack. The milestones in this course will allow you to draft ideas and receive feedback from the instructor throughout the course. Each milestone builds on the previous one. These assignments will ensure that you are on the right track … Read more

Bali Nightclub Bombing

  In this module, you will use Rapoport’s wave theory to discuss the historical evolution of terrorism and how it has changed over time. The first step in this assignment is to choose one of the following case studies. Your chosen case study will become the topic of this discussion and the basis for the … Read more


When we eat food, most people never think about the enzymes that are needed to help with digestion. Think about your favorite meal, now think back to a time when you had that meal. Did you ever stop to think about how your saliva was breaking that food down? Or how your stomach was secreting … Read more

The role of principleship

  Reflection 5 Discuss these main points. This chapter is about Conflict Management. The role expectations of individuals and groups (Direction, Clarity, Intensity), Role concepts, Window on diversity (conflict management), Four sources of social conflict in schools, other ways of conflict management (conflict avoidance methods, power struggling bargaining) Problem-solving approach, when conflicts turn violent (bullying, … Read more

Home, School, Comm Relations

  Reflection  Discuss these main points. Administering the program. The Board of Elections, the Role of the Superintendent, The Administrative Team, Director of school and community Relations, Budgetary Provisions., General Community Relations Responsibilities. ∙ Discuss ways you have used or intend to use chapter information in your career (PE teacher, football and basketball coach)

Create a Parent resource

Please use attacment reports  Utilizing the information from the report you wrote, develop an educational resource for the parent of your selected child. Be sure that the recommended activities are tailored to the home setting and are appropriate for parents to implement.   While the parent is the expert on their child, you are the expert in … Read more

To develop a set of learning activities designed to help a class of pre-kindergarten students gains story knowledge competencies, and to evaluate the potential effectiveness of the activities.

  You’ve been hired to work as a curriculum developer for a large pre-K provider. As you review the current syllabus used for instruction, it becomes obvious that almost all the emphasis has been on learning letter sounds and word construction, with very little, if any, attention paid to the meaning of the stories, and … Read more

SLR paper

   Course Paper A systematic Literature review paper on analyzing and visualizing data Guidelines · There are two main goals to conduct this SLR paper in this course: o Help you toward your PhD thesis. My experience advising many phd students in different universities is that one of the “easiest” approaches to reach the “difficult” … Read more

Use Case Analysis

  Continue your work to support the development and implementation of the new Service Department for Appliance Warehouse.  Create a 3- to 4-page document (to submit in Blackboard) that includes the following: Business Case Investigation Identify 4 employees you would interview to support your business analysis. For each employee, state the topic(s) you will use for … Read more