Current Environmental Analysis

  Scenario Your boss is responsible for updating the organization’s strategic plan. She has asked you to do some of the legwork and complete an environmental analysis. This analysis will help your organization scan the external and internal environments and identify current challenges and opportunities that will enable it to prepare for the future. Instructions … Read more

Background Research and Analysis

Research information on the selected issue including at least 5 scholarly references(. Your research should focus on the selected issue in the context of management principles and concepts that relate to decision-making and resource management in the healthcare environment (SLO1). Provide critical analysis of the conceptual and theoretical challenges related to the selected healthcare issue … Read more


   The cost, time, and scope of a project are how the Project Manager controls the project. There are tools that are needed to help keep the project on time and on budget. If you are managing a      large project, would you prefer Gantt charts or PERT/CPM charts to represent project status? Explain why. 

Week 9 Article Review

Article reference  using APA format (5 points): Summarize the purpose of the study (at least 3 sentences – 10 points): What/who are the subjects and setting (at least 4 sentences – 10 points): What experimental design did the authors use?(at least 2 sentences – 10 points): Summarize the results of the study? (at least 4 … Read more

Econ.pron D8

We have analyzed the economic policies and factors that impact insurance companies, providers, and the hospital industry. In this discussion, we will examine the economics of the pharmaceutical industry. Marketing accounts for a much larger portion of the expenses in the pharmaceutical industry than in other healthcare industries. The FDA lifted restrictions on TV ads … Read more


   •Reading 6B  -Reading Insights of how the reading material contributed to build your assignment. A New Entrepreneurial Dynamic – Autry – v. 1.0.1 Chapter 11 BRANDING •PPT slide/s Reading Insights of how the reading material contributed to build your assignment    Each chapter analysis in different slides.  1.Executive Summary of the Reading: what is … Read more