Art and spirit

1.  Why is color so intimately tied to “spirituality”, for Kandinsky?  What does Kandinsky say about that himself in the book, on the spiritual in art? Feel free to quote from the book. (see attachment) 2.  How does color in Kandinsky interact with form to foster special kinds of non-representational effects that allow us to see … Read more

Alicia Eggert

  Sculpture Alicia Eggert Watch this video (cut and paste if link doesn’t work): 1.  What started out as a simple idea? 2.  What was the thing that left a long-lasting impression on her? 3.  Why does she use signs? 4.  Describe the process of the inflatable sculpture. Submit your answers using the assignment … Read more


  SLO4 – Students will understand and communicate more effectively when employing a critical analysis of various art forms.   Film Film  Eric Dyer – The forgotten art of the zoetrope View the TED talk (copy and paste if link doesn’t work): 1.  Describe the process of the Copenhagen Cycles. 2.  What is the … Read more

Week 4 Q1andQ2

1.Why is color so intimately tied to “spirituality”, for Kandinsky?  What does Kandinsky say about that himself in the book? Feel free to quote from the book.( Concerning the Spiritual in Art by Kandinsky) 2.How does color in Kandinsky interact with form to foster special kinds of non-representational effects that allow us to see the universe … Read more


using the topic of good food, write the main idea statement, and then list two major points that support your idea, with three points/details to support each one. remember that the statement of the main idea is like a topic sentence or thesis statement. it must give you something to prove  direction; type your answers … Read more

Week3 Q1

1.What is abstractionism, broadly speaking?  How is it related to “the spiritual in art”, so far as you understand the term?  2.How in your impression does Kandinsky, as the major figure of “expressionism,” develop the style and approach of Van Gogh?  He does he diverge, or differ? Total 1.5 pages

Art Walks

Look back at our lessons and maps, and write a short text of 300-350 words summarizing what you have learned. There should be two short texts submitted! First Short Text: FLORENCE WALK 1 – 3. Second Short Text: FLORENCE WALK 4 – 6. 

art DB8

Include images of the artworks you’re discussing in your thread. in a 200-250 words paragraph answer all this questions. Life, death, and the afterlife are universal concerns expressed in artworks that span time and cultures.  What are the five purposes for creating tombs or commemorative artworks outlined in Chapter 8?  Choose an artwork from the … Read more

Art 103

  Describe your knowledge of art appreciation coming into the course. Has your understanding of the subject changed or remained the same? In what ways?  What topic(s) interested you the most and why? What would you have liked to learn more about?  How did you approach your Final Project? Do you feel that your outcome … Read more