The file contains data for all sales of laptops at a computer chain in London in January 2008. This is a subset of the full dataset that includes data for the entire year. a. Create a bar chart, showing the average retail price by store (Store Postcode). Adjust the y-axis scaling to magnify differences. … Read more


Suppose that a researcher is interested in estimating the mean systolic blood pressure, μ, of executives of major corporations. He plans to use the blood pressures of a random sample of executives of major corporations to estimate μ. Assuming that the standard deviation of the population of systolic blood pressures of executives of major corporations … Read more

data collection

1.  Did you use qualitative or quantitative methods to examine your results? How did the method help to support your specific change project outcomes?  2.  Which type of measurement tool are you using to collect data to demonstrate that your change project is worthwhile? Explain why you chose to use the specific measurement tool. 


STEP-I: Watch the following video and take notes on the message that the advertisement is trying to convey and  the utilization of different modalities that help them to construct and convey the aimed message (speech, rhetorical voices, music, colors, stereotyping, actions, other visuals, background noises, etc.). ▪ Video link:▪ Article: Lecture:  STEP-II: Create … Read more


   Your supervisor, Sophia, Ballot Online director of information technology, has tasked you with creating a presentation that will convince the executives that using cloud-based computing to accommodate Ballot Online future growth rather than trying to expand the current infrastructure will help the company do business faster and at lower cost while conserving IT resources. … Read more

Data science

Textbook: Introduction to Data Mining Select one key concept until Chapter 5 from the textbook and answer the following:  Define the concept. Note its importance to data science. Discuss corresponding concepts that are of importance to the selected concept. Note a project where this concept would be used. Please include introduction and conclusion. The paper … Read more


 After reviewing the case study this week by Krizanic (2020),write a paper:- What is the definition of data mining that the author mentions?  How is this different from our current understanding of data mining? What is the premise of the use case and findings? What type of tools are used in the data mining aspect … Read more


Read the assigned articles, and watch the assigned videos. Choose a topic on data management and data privacy that has an ethical dilemma. A non-comprehensive list of potential articles is provided below.  Develop a critical paper where you take a position in favor or against the topic/company you chose. Propose a solution to solve the … Read more