Discussion board

discussion of 3 key new learning points from the assigned text reading discussion of the importance of each of these key points in a typical traditional marketing environment at least 1 supportive citation and reference item for your initial discussion include headings and subheadings and APA references and citations

Discussion 4

What is the Toronto Charter for Physical Activity, and how can physical activity practitioners use it? Respond to the questions above in at least 300 words and respond two classmate’s posts in 100 words. 

Enterprise Risk Management

Article:  Read the abstract: Implementing Regulatory Broad Consent Under the Revised Common Rule: Clarifying Key Points and the Need for Evidence. (2019). Journal of Law, Medicine & Ethics, 47(2), 213–231. https://doi.org/10.1177/1073110519857277  Post: Find additional resource and please answer the following questions: What are the main issues that the article addresses? What is the Common Rule? How is … Read more

Week 5 100 word posivie response due tomorrow at 7 pm

 Week #5 Discussion COLLAPSE Cognitive behavior therapy is a short-term intervention which focuses on attitude modification to maintain and improve change in behavior. Modality of its behavior modification improve the identification of maladaptive thinking patterns and situation awareness, thought processes, and emotions such as negative automatic thought process. Efficacy of cognitive behavior therapy has demonstrated … Read more


Listen to this podcast about the market for human organs. Initial Response: Is there currently a surplus or shortage of human organs available for transplant? Using the demand/supply framework, explain how legalizing the trade for human organs will help move the market towards an equilibrium https://www.npr.org/2008/05/21/90632108/should-we-legalize-the-market-for-human-organs

Discussion Forum 9

1. How do the cases of police misconduct and racial profiling in the country represent instrumental theory statement? “Criminal law and the criminal justice system act solely as instruments for controlling the poor, have-not members of society by those who hold positions of political and economic power who define what is illegal or criminal behavior,” … Read more

Current Events Discussion Forum #5

 Intructions: You need to pick ONE of the week’s articles, read it, and participate in the discussion of that article by responding to the leader’s initial post.    The topic I chose to discuss about was the implications that come with barriers for animals such as mountains and or water. In the article they discuss … Read more

Discussion Art

  Consider what you have learned about art exhibitions in this module. Then, read one of the following articles: Read:  “50 Years Later, Chicago Artists are Getting Their Due“, New York Times, https://nyti.ms/2Da9q7e Read:  “Art Institute postpones major Native American pottery exhibit over cultural insensitivity concerns at the last minute“, Chicago Tribune Read:  “‘In Minneapolis, … Read more


Response must be written in current APA format with at least five academic references cited. References must be within the last five years. Response should be 2-5 pages in length excluding the title, abstract, and reference pages. For this assignment, answer the following questions: What are the Pros and Cons to telehealth? How will you … Read more