Future of Policing

  For this assignment pick one of the current issues discussed in this module that police departments are facing, for example: Diversity Within a Police Department Police Officer Stress Police Officer Mental Health Higher Education for Police Officers Officer Safety Concerns Racial Profiling Police and Technology Defunding the Police You will then write a three … Read more


Explain why pricing and production are extent decisions and not decisions that should be tackled with break-even analysis. Does the same apply for investment decisions? Provide a rationale to support your response.


https://files.eric.ed.gov/fulltext/ED594465.pdf  What issues do children living in poverty face that negatively impacts their education? What impact does trauma have on children and learning? How can the education system help mediate these? What was new or interesting, make a connection, raise a question.   https://ed100.org/lessons/specialneeds  What are the key laws relating to Special Education? What does inclusion … Read more


Explain a situation you have observed (or read about) in which a firm made a decision considering irrelevant costs or did not consider relevant costs. What was the outcome of the decision, and what could have been done differently?

The Structure and Function of the Human Resources Department Within Healthcare

  Human Resources Competencies Human Resource/Nursing Managers require a specific, yet broad, skill set.  It is vital that nurses self-assess learning needs and develop a plan to achieve HR competencies.  After reading Chapter 2, work through Office of Human Resources National Institute of Health Suggested Human Resources (GS-201) Competency Model (2016, on the NIH web … Read more

Access Issues in the U.S.

  Discussion: Access Issues in the U.S. ~ Inequalities in Attaining Higher Ed Please read the following articles, AND listen to the clips found under the Week 12 Content folder (including the PPT presentation). Then answer the questions below… Why is college in America so expensive? Why American colleges are becoming a force for inequality … Read more

Unit 5-7: FDI Inflow Analysis GB503

Directions This is an individual assignment. Report on your research of FDI inflows/outflows across the globe and within the Asian Continent. Appropriate graphs and/or tables should be provided to support your report. Utilize APA format. 1. Conduct a literature review to compare and contrast global foreign direct investment inflows received by Asian and Middle Eastern … Read more