
    Question 1 (5 pts) Based on your type profile, identify and explain three of your most important personality characteristics. Provide examples that demonstrate your unique qualities. Question 2 (5 pts) Based on your type profile, identify and explain three of your work-related strengths. Provide two examples from your work life that demonstrate how you … Read more

Personality Test

   Question 1 (5 pts) Based on your type profile, identify and explain three of your most important personality characteristics. Provide examples that demonstrate your unique qualities. Question 2 (5 pts) Based on your type profile, identify and explain three of your work-related strengths. Provide two examples from your work life that demonstrate how you … Read more


Think of a self-fulfilling prophecy that you’ve experienced or that you have seen in a popular show, web-series or from someone you know. Based on this experience, do you agree with the Thomas theorem (you should define the Thomas Theorem in your own words)? Why or why not? What are some positives and negatives of … Read more


  The paper will focus on personality type and career choice.  You will take an informal assessment that will approximate your personality type according to the dimensions of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI).  Use the following website to take the assessment: After obtaining your results from the assessment, write a 5-to-7 page paper that … Read more


  The paper will focus on personality type and career choice.  You will take an informal assessment that will approximate your personality type according to the dimensions of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI).  Use the following website to take the assessment: After obtaining your results from the assessment, write a 5-to-7 page paper that … Read more

Global Social Change

topic 1 :Decolonization: Global Indigenous movements Readings :  Lightfoot, S. (2016). Chapter 3. Practicing global politics in Indigenous ways. Global indigenous politics: A subtle revolution. Routledge: New York. Estes, N. (2019). Chapter 7. Liberation. Our History Is the Future: Standing Rock Versus the Dakota Access Pipeline and the Long Tradition of Indigenous Resistance. Verso.   … Read more


   7.0 Question about Upcoming Assignment: What movie about loving relational success are you considering for Assignment 9? Include the release year and few sentence synopses. Make sure that the movie has adequate content to answer the assignment questions. The instructor will indicate if the movie is approved.  <Read “Movie Analysis Based on Course Studies” … Read more


   Assigned Reading: Review, The DNA of Relationships: Discover How You Are Designed for Satisfying Relationships, by Gary Smalley, pages 109-179, and Study Guide pages 196-203. Read PPT-7a and PPT-8a.  PPT-7b/ 8b is optional reading that is designed to support course understanding. (Note that PPT-8a/b is found within the Week 8 task list.) For this … Read more


look at the photos and do the presentation  The technique chosen is fill in the blanks write about it’s goal and propose then implement it in one slide with answers that appear when I press on it


  After reading Love in L.A. (pages 111-113) by Dagoberto Gilb answer the following question in 200 words:  Why do you think Marianna gives Jake her information at the end of the story?