
 Journal activities in this course are private between you and the instructor. This journal is meant to help you consider what you have learned and come up with a plan to apply it to either your current or future profession.  In your journal, reflect on the following:  • Based on the readings, consider generally what … Read more

section, journal

   a MS Word document detailing how they can leverage at least two key concepts from chapters 6 through 10 (not two per chapter just two across chapters 6-10) to help lessen the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on our daily lives.  The submission must be at minimum a count of 350 words, but it … Read more

Module 6 Journal

Overview Risk and return go together. You must understand this relationship to make informed financial decisions. This applies when you make personal investment decisions or when you’re investing excess cash for a business. In this journal assignment, you will explore the risk-return relationship when investing in stocks in both of these roles. Directions Write a … Read more


 Upton Sinclair’s “The Jungle”, W.E.B DubBois’s “The Souls of Black Folk”, and Richard Wright;’s “Native Son”  Journal 2: Referring to at least three of the works we have read in class so far (Weeks 1-4) discuss the role of art as it relates to social change in America. This is a broad question and students … Read more


 Unions have a long and storied place in the history of the U.S. workforce, and the subject has often been a heated topic of discussion at many bargaining and family dinner tables. Consider your experience with unions – whether through personal experience or as a witness to the stories and experiences of others. What is … Read more

Journal, section

  submit an MS Word document detailing how they can leverage the information, covered in chapters 4 and 5, in their own professional healthcare career.  The submission must be at minimum a count of 300 words, but it can be longer.  should talk about a project they have been they have been the leader of. … Read more


1 – 2 paragraphs. first Journal What is the philosophical      method? Have you used it? How? Second Journal  1 – 2 paragraph Socrates said to his jurors, “Are you not ashamed that, while you take care to acquire as much wealth as possible, with honor and glory as well, yet you take no care or thought for understanding truth, or … Read more

annotated bibliography Wk 2 HSCI Journal

  Creating an annotated bibliography calls for the application of a variety of intellectual skills: concise exposition, succinct analysis, and informed library research. First, choose an ethical dilemma topic (from Chapter 2 of the textbook). This is to be the same topic that will be used for the Week 4 Ethical Reasoning Paper.    Next … Read more