Legal criminal justice

   1. After reading Mapp v. Ohio (1961) [2020 Ed. of textbook, pg. 62] explain the following: o Which constitutional amendment is at issue in the case, and what right(s) does it encompass? o What did the United States Supreme Court decide in this case and why? o The Court has to balance the protection … Read more

Criminal Justice

Answer TWO of the question sets below: How would you explain the lawmaking structure of the United States to someone totally unfamiliar with the Constitution? Specifically, what is federalism and why does it create fifty-two lawmaking jurisdictions in the United States? Find an article online that discusses the duties of the three branches of government … Read more

Revision of Factual Analysis for Proper Citation

Step 1 Read and Review: “Legal Citation & Research: The Bluebook & Nexis Uni” “Introduction to The Bluebook: A Uniform System of Citation” “Proper Case Citation: United States Supreme Court Cases” View Bluebook Video Tutorials: “Bluebook Tutorial: Case Citations,” Georgetown Law Library, Georgetown Law, 2019, “Bluebook Tutorial: Statutory Citations,” Georgetown Law Library, Georgetown Law, 2019, … Read more

IP The Foundations of Law and Ethics

The Medical Staff Coordinator is holding a seminar on licensure, registration, certification, and accreditation and has asked you to prepare a 3-5 pg assignemnt not including title pg or reference pg, on the topic. The assignment should include the meaning of each term.  It should also discuss how physicians are licensed and regulated and the purpose … Read more

Legal and Ethical Issues

Recognizing potential ethics issues and finding ways to deal with them effectively is a necessary skill for teachers. This assignment gives you an opportunity to apply what you’ve learned in this course. Complete Ethics Scenarios and Resolutions. Cite your sources in APA format. Submit your assignment. Due:April 4th. Need in timely manner if can.