Moral Analysis

In your writing assignment you will analyze a moral question from the perspectives of the four families of moral values. Your first step is to select a moral question from Section 1 (The Personal, pages 1-61), or Section 2 (The Public, pages 62-115), or Section 3 (The Political, pages 116-165) of George’s What Should I … Read more

PHI Discussion 1(2)

  Explain wisdom based on Socrates’ writings. What is wisdom as Socrates formulates the concept, and how does one obtain it?  What is the relationship between wisdom and critical thought? Why or why not? Instructions:  Your initial post (approximately 200-250 words) should address each question in the discussion directions and is due by 11:59 PM … Read more

Personal Philosophy of Nursing

  Goal: Discuss the tenets of nursing’s metaparadigm. Identify personal philosophy of nursing.  Your post should include the following: – Discuss personal philosophy of nursing. – Articulate changes in personal philosophy over time. – Discuss factors that impacted change in personal philosophy of nursing. The work should be formatted per current APA and 3-5 pages … Read more

Personal Philosophy of Culturally Competent Nursing

  Reflect on the 5 constructs of Campinha-Bacote’s model of The Process of Cultural Competence in the Delivery of Healthcare Services: Cultural desire, Cultural Awareness, Cultural Knowledge, Cultural Skill, and Cultural Encounters. (See Chapter 2) Review the Mission statements and values of St. Thomas University and its Nursing programs. Reflect on your learning during this … Read more


Determinism is explained by a “principle of universal causation.” Explain. What does it mean by “to act freely” according to the compatibilists? How do libertarians show that we can act freely? Explain why for Frankfurt an unwilling addict has freedom of action but doesn’t have freedom of will. Why does the metaphysical project lead us … Read more


Why does Marquis think abortion is immoral? What is his argument? Thomson argues that abortion is permissible, at least in a wide range of cases. What are those cases and what is/are her arguments?  Do Marquis’s arguments challenge those of Thomson, or can one endorse both positions without contradiction? Justify your answer in either case. … Read more

Philosophy minimum 300 words

Think about the following thought experiment and reply to the questions below. Beings from another planet arrive on Earth aboard a spaceship about the size of Texas. As it turns out, there are approximately 10 million of our galactic neighbors on the ship. Many of us wonder what they are like, but, surprisingly, the travelers from … Read more


   1. Wright a summary of content and methods used in the chronological development of metaphysics.  2. Choose a philosopher from the ancient, medieval, or modern period then discuss and compare his distinct metaphysical teaching and method with Martin Heidegger (a representative of contemporary sources of metaphysics). Since Heidegger is an existentialist, you must also … Read more