Healthcare Laws & Policies

Create a 5–7 slide elevator-speech style presentation that you will present to stakeholders that provides an overview of policy implementation, including rationale and data that reflect the need for the new policy. Then, create a detailed, annotated training agenda for the pilot team that will accompany your presentation. 

Leadership Redo 4

   Nurse leaders must be able to make effective financial and policy decisions. Equally important is the ability to communicate their vision for change to policymakers and provide objective, evidence-based support for their position with respect to the regulatory, political, social, ethical, legal, and financial aspects of systemic change.


   Advocating for new policies is an important aspect of the master’s-prepared nurse. For new policies to be compelling they need to be supported by evidence. Supporting data can be used to illustrate why new policies and interventions are needed to help address a specific health issue. Compelling data can help sway the stakeholders and … Read more

Health Care Policies Worksheet

 Health care organizations develop operational policies and procedures that not only meet the organization’s purpose and mission but that are also compliant with state and federal regulations. This week differences between a law and policy are investigated. We will investigate how a policy is developed from regulations, which are based on a specific law(s) designed to … Read more

Discussion Question

Discussion 1)  Following current events related to immigration reform, a group of students came to school wearing t-shirts representing national flags from a variety of countries and were bullied by fellow students with a variety of racial and ethnic slurs.  How would you respond to both groups?  Be sure to cite any applicable case law, … Read more


 analyse the tools of the trade policy Myanmar are applying towards the trading partners. 1) describe the measures to protect the local producers (tariffs, quotas, subsidies) – the size, the products that are covered, the time when they are (were) applied; 2) what are the reasons of applying these measures and how it benefits the … Read more

HRPP Annotated Bibliography

The annotated bibliography for your 4 selected human resource topics must consist of at least 10 reputable, practitioner sources (ex. SHRM) or scholarly journals.  Government websites (FLSA, EEO, etc.) can also count towards your sources (note some government websites will not be a match – such as the dress code for the Wisconsin’s FDA investigators. … Read more


2. Recent incidents have generated an uproar regarding police use of force. Despite the fact the use of deadly force has declined for decades, each incident seems to spawn a new controversy, even when police officers are justified in their actions. The public often jumps to conclusions without hearing all the evidence. Technology has played … Read more

Policies and Practices – Ecology – 175 Words

Respond to the following reflective and vocabulary prompts in a minimum of 175 words total for both sections. Think back to your previous experiences and prior knowledge with respect to strategies for maintaining biodiversity. What do you know about practices and policies related to biodiversity? What has been your experience with biodiversity practices and policies? … Read more

Unit 5 : Discussion Board Due 09.08.2022

For this Discussion Board, please complete the following: Think about the COVID-19 pandemic and the role that the government played in addressing public health. How did this differ from other nations? Explore the following articles for more information: Learning From Taiwan About Fighting COVID-19 The Graphic Truth: Two Different Pandemics – EU vs. US Respond … Read more