Ethics: Leaky Records Division

If all of these matters fitted together perfectly, or if ethical considerations were clear in all cases, we probably wouldn’t have a class addressing the matter. What is important, and what you will receive the most credit for, is your analysis of the situation and the facts surrounding it. the purposes of this, the rules, … Read more

Case problem

  Read: Case Problem “NIO: Battling Tesla with Battery as a Service” by Bhattacherya, S., and Bhattacherya, L., SMU108, 2021-12-12 Prepare a Managerial Report* structured as follows: Task 1-1: Structure and present your paper as a Managerial Report, with a cover page, table of content, executive summary, main body, and appendices. Expected length of Assignment … Read more


write response with your original ideas to each author These responses must reflect critical thinking. Using evidence to support your reasoning, provide commentary responding to peer insights. This may include agreeing, disagreeing, or adding additional insights or considerations. In either case, you should bring in reasoning or ideas not addressed by the author.  Each response … Read more

Theoretical Perspectives for Nursing W2

Week 2 Making judgement as to whether a theory could be adapted for use in research is very important. Describe the internal and external criticism that is used to evaluate middle range theories. Video: expect 400 words in your initial post. 3 references in APA style Location USA, state Florida

Rough Draft

  STEP 1: Write a rough draft of your Routine Message assignment, responding to the prompt below. Upload it to this Canvas drop box by the deadline specified on Canvas. At the top of your draft document, before your message headers, you should also include 1 – 2 sentences identifying the kinds of errors or … Read more


 Description: Critically evaluate a case study, and provided details discussion on aspects relating to planning, strategy, financial indicators, and financial analysis.  *Students will need to apply tools for planning, and strategy. They are also expected to properly elaborate on financial indicators, and utilize financial records to interpret the company’s profitability, liquidity, current and future status.  … Read more


 QUESTION 1 (15 Marks)  1. There are two distinct types of cost accounting systems: job order costing systems and process costing systems. How does management decide whether to use a job order costing system or a process costing system in any given manufacturing situation? Explain briefly.  QUESTION 2 (10 Marks) Product cost vs. period cost … Read more


 Description: Individual report: Select an organization that you are familiar with or wish to conduct research on and discuss the most appropriate leadership style that needs to be implemented for your organization to survive and prosper. You will need to take into consideration the contemporary business environment and its challenges   Please select an organization that … Read more

Project: Threat Intelligence Requirements

  Establishing threat intelligence goals and requirements will help the threat intelligence team to better allocate and utilize its resources and fine-tune the data types, tools, and methods that will produce the most relevant and useful intelligence about the particular threats to the organization. Using the organization you chose in Week 1, document your work … Read more

Introduction and Analysis ( Internal and external)

 This “chapter” of work requires the students to begin their research by providing an introduction to their report, and to conduct an environmental analysis. The environmental analysis should be both internal and external, and must align or support the premise behind the outline for the Case Study stated in the students “Proposal”.  Company: General Motors … Read more