
 Prompt: For Milestone Two, you will submit a draft of your proposed needs assessment. You should include a statement of need that allows the reader to learn more about your selected issue, presents evidence that supports the need for your program, and demonstrates that your organization understands the need and can address the issue. If … Read more

Fleshing Out Your Proposal

Create an introduction that lays out the issue and establishes the need for the course of action presented in the proposal. Create well developed and organized body paragraphs to persuade the audience to accept the proposal. The length is 3–5 pages. Create a conclusion that summarizes the proposal’s key points and calls the audience to … Read more

Create a written Project Proposal and a PowerPoint Presentation using speaker notes

  Scenario As a healthcare consultant, representing the Leveraging Healthcare Solutions firm, you are to create a written Project Proposal with a PowerPoint Presentation for a potential new client. The client is a large, integrated healthcare system seeking to implement a new emerging technology solution. They are looking to you for guidance on the considerations for implementing … Read more

Professional Development Plan Proposal

  As an instructional specialist, part of effective professional development includes the use of outside professional organizations. Writing effective proposals will help with the planning and approval processes. Using one identified personal need from your self-assessment in Topic 3, research an outside professional development opportunity that will serve as an introduction to your professional development … Read more

Model Proposal

 Describe the model that your group is working on that is the basis of your first assignment (u04a1 – Problem Identification and Model Planning). Put it in the context of your proposed problem. Explain why it is appropriate in light of the problem and the Community Action Center’s needs. 

Writing Research Proposal

  write three research questions which align with your proposal. Purposefully write two poorly formed questions and explain why each question does not meet the criterion for a well-built question. Use PICO, FINER, or FINERMAPS to describe how the question goes awry. Finally, write one well-built research question that could be used in your proposal … Read more

Create a written Proposal

Scenario The HIT Innovation Steering Committee within an organization is proactively looking at data breaches of other organizations to assist them with minimizing the risk to their data security and privacy. As an intern at this organization, you are to investigate and select a recently publicized data breach. Use information from the module readings, lectures and your … Read more