Case study proposal ( Cases in finace)

 Course; Cases in finance.  Assignment: Case study proposal In 2-3 paragraphs, students must identify a company, and state as clearly and concisely as possible, a particular issue they have identified through their preliminary research. note: please choose a well-known company with an obvious certain issue so I can keep conducting research and finalize the case … Read more

Interaction Design

Each day, we use the Internet on our personal computers and mobile devices to access information and purchase goods. Websites often have their own mobile form factor while others maintain the same Website user experience, creating challenges when trying to use navigation, overcome errors, search, and complete the most mundane tasks. For this assignment, you … Read more

Milestone ID health problem

Overview: First, you will identify a problem in a healthcare organization. You may use a problem from your organization or a problem from a fictional organization. Prompt: As you develop this first part of the assignment, include the following details: I. What Is the Organizational Problem? A. Provide details about the organizational problem. How does … Read more

2-2 Module: Star Wood Hotels and Resorts-Quality Initiatives

Hi all, I’m stuck on a short paper and need some help.  Here’s the prompt:  “As an operations management professional, you will be asked to examine companies’ operational processes, identify performance gaps, and  recommend quality-driven strategies that will cut costs, increase profits, and enhance differentiation. In this assignment, you will practice these skills in the … Read more

employee Safety

5 slides not including the cover slide and the reference slide.  Every slide needs to include 100 words in the Notes section.  Slides must have pictures and graphics as opposed to being all word slides. discuss the areas of employee safety that are most important to you.  Do you feel the organization has the same … Read more

The Constitutionality of Marriage Equality

Briefly trace the evolution of the constitutionality of same-sex marriage as a fundamental right in the United States. You should include a review of state ballot initiatives and federal and state laws pertaining to marriage equality. Also, examine relevant state and federal law suits and court decisions as well as the constitutional basis for the … Read more

compensation and benefits package

   · Develop a compensation and benefits package that you would like to be offered from your organization. Be sure to include benefits besides health care and retirement.  Why are benefits important in addition to direct compensation? · PowerPoint presentation consisting of 5 slides not including the cover slide and the reference slide. Every slide … Read more