Research Report- Emerging TEchnologies

You are working for a corporation. You are in charge of implementing new technologies in your organization. Select one of the emerging technologies we covered in this class. For example, 4D printing or Robotics. Write a convincing proposal for your company why they should be implementing this technology you selected.  Your paper should include: a … Read more

Business intelligence

 This week you are asked to discuss a current business process in a specific industry.  Note the following:-Identify the current business process itself. It is important that you clearly and directly identify the industry and the business process in this industry. -Since processes can vary based on the industry, please provide an overview of the industry … Read more


 Describe the leadership role that the CEO and executive staff should play in developing and maintaining an exemplary institutional learning program. (200 words, 2 references apa format) Using specific historical and contemporary examples, discuss the positive and negative consequences of technology, including the “unintended consequences” of technological progress. (200 words, 2 references apa format)


  Whose fault is it then? – Swedish High Court  a.   Content: On a balmy Sunday morning in August 1628, almost the entire populace of Stockholm, Sweden turned out for the festivities surrounding the launch of the Vasa, the most powerful and ornamented vessel ever commissioned by his Excellency King Gustavus II Adolphus for the Royal Navy. No … Read more


  Content: In Genesis 1-2, The Hebrew Scriptures describe in successive ways the creation of the world and the Divine purpose of mankind. Utilizing the exegetical skills of narrative analysis, first, identify the main tenets of the Creation mandate given by God to mankind as they might relate to business. Second, as the Creation mandate anticipates mankind’s … Read more


   200 words and 2 references: For your 1st original post, explain to the group and the instructor how you think the soft drink firm Big Red should market its products against Coca-Cola. 200 words and 2 references: For your 2nd original post, explain why you think the soft drink firm Vernors has the biggest … Read more


 Economist Joseph Schumpeter said that “creative destruction” is essential for the positive advancement of every modern economy.  Research and define “creative destruction” and explain what it means relative to the development and dissemination of new technologies.  What positive and negative effects might “ creative destruction” have on customers, employees, products, companies, and society? (only needs … Read more


  Week 1 DiscussionThis week our focus is on data mining. In the article this week, we focus on deciding whether the results of two different data mining algorithms provides significantly different information.  Therefore, answer the following questions: When using different data algorithms, why is it fundamentally important to understand why they are being used? … Read more