SWOT Analysis

Complete a SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities & Threats) Analysis of a private, government funded or non-profit hospital within your state. You must analyze internal or external factors that could negatively affect or assist the organization with accomplishing their goals. Please begin the assignment by reviewing this week’s classroom lecture notes and locating a nearby hospital. … Read more

Organizational Analysis

Detail about an organization you choose… 6 pages APA  Sections: • Introduction of the organization, including history and background. • Organizational strategy. • Organizational design and your assessment of effectiveness. • Organizational culture. • Conclusion and what you would change about the selected organization for improvement.

Article Analysis

  You are responsible for finding one (1) current (from this year) news article relating to the TX Judicial Branch. This article can be about any of the Texas state’s courts, cases, judges or law enforcement. The article is to be sourced from reputable newspapers, news websites, etc. These ARE NOT to be from blogs, … Read more

Learning Activity: SWOT Analysis

Using the same health care organization identified in the first assignment, complete a SWOT analysis on the organization over all based on information you gathered when completing the first assignment. Use the provided template and submit the completed version. SWOT Word Template [DOCX]. For more information on how to conduct a SWOT Analysis, you may want … Read more

Deliverable 06 – The Best Healthcare Delivery Model

Scenario You are the new Director of the International Relations Division of the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) and have been tasked with researching and creating a draft healthcare delivery model for the U.S. As you work with your team, you discover that other developed nations have very interesting components that make up … Read more

Week 1 Ethical and Socially Responsible Marketing Analysis

  Write a 350- to 575-word analysis and evaluation of a company’s effectiveness in the following areas: Distinguish between social responsibility, ethical, and legal issues and their effect on marketing. Relate the triple bottom line to an organization’s sustainability. Analyze consumer influence on ethical behavior in marketing. Assess the value of communicating ethical behavior to … Read more


The formal elements and principles of the design of paintings. Consider how these elements and principles manifest in different ways. For example, is the original painting or an image of the painting (print or online)

Week 3 Discussion

 In the discussion, respond to the following. Be sure to respond to all parts of the questions in order to earn full credit. Think back to the article, Are Your Company’s Strengths Really Weaknesses? Think specifically about the SWOT analysis, and consider how it may or may not be used within a marketing related role in … Read more

Health Policy project 2 continue

Overview Imagine that you are a legislative consultant hired to assess the influence of stakeholders and interest groups on the health policy issue you chose for your Project Two submission. Your supervisor has asked that you present your findings to the senior leadership of your organization. This will help inform their decisions on how best … Read more

Professional Assignment #1

Your company provided you with data about sales, customers, and products. You review the data and find yourself concerned when you notice the high customer churn rates (loss of current customer-base).  Discuss some methods or applications of data science that can help identify potential customer churn and how it can help prevent customers leaving (retention).  … Read more