
    I . What criteria would you use in evaluating the four candidates? 2. What are the strengths and weaknesses of each candidate? 3. What were Matthews’s criteria for evaluating the four candidates? 4. Whom would you recommend to Dr. Francis as your selection for the position?’ 5. What is the evidence that you used … Read more


Provide, in your own words, an explanation of the differences between the fundamental purposes of the analysis phase, the design phase, and the implementation phase.  Guidelines You must provide an original response of 300+ words of your own 


Augmented reality Automatic speech recognition (ASR) Biochip Biometrics Bluetooth Cave automatic virtual environment (CAVE) Crowdsourcing Disintermediation Facial recognition software Factory-to-business-to-Consumer 

Art analysis paper 1

From one and half pages to two pages. Choose one work that particularly engages you. Take time to look at the work in detail; include a picture of the work. Ask yourself: “How does the piece ‘work’? What is the artist doing? Why do I have a particular response (such as joy, fear, curiosity)?” Your … Read more

American history self-analysis

What are some ways people understood citizenship in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries? Which of these ways seems most convincing? You can talk about birthright citizenship and the fourteenth amendment, definitions of citizenship that involve labor or consumption of goods, definitions of citizenship that revolve around access to voting, etc. Do write at least … Read more