Google Analytics

  The past few weeks have flown by. You have just completed the GA tutorial when you receive a memo from Ying marked CONFIDENTIAL. You scan the memo to find a list of client questions that have been assigned to you. You are expected to use Google Analytics to answer the 10 questions in the … Read more

635 dis 6

Business analytics has become a very hot topic; do you think that business analytics is living up to the hype that it is receiving? What role does IT play in getting value from analytics? Ref:

week 1 _ data_ Statistics Analysis

  In preparation for writing your report to senior management next week, conduct the following descriptive statistics analyses with Microsoft® Excel®. Answer the questions below in your Microsoft® Excel® sheet or in a separate Microsoft® Word document: Insert a new column in the database that corresponds to “Annual Sales.” Annual Sales is the result of … Read more

565 DB 4

In Module 4, we’ve learned about Cybersecurity and Auditing. Please review all materials posted in this module, and submit a thoughtful discussion post in response to the readings. Specifically, you’ll have to  (1) summarize and explain the main points of the articles that you choose from the assigned papers  (2) conclude with your own opinion about … Read more

566 DB 3

This week, we are focusing on different types of analyses and how they are used to address various business problems. Write a discussion post addressing the questions below. ???? Chapter 3 of the book distinguishes four different types of analytics: (1) Descriptive Analytics, (2) Diagnostic Analytics, (3) Predictive Analytics, and (4) Prescriptive Analytics. Draw on … Read more

Big Data Analytics Assignments

 Find a peer-reviewed scholarly journal article discussing big data analytics. Complete a review of the article by writing a 2-3 page overview of the article. This will be a detailed summary of the journal article, including concepts discussed and findings. Additionally, find one other source (it does not have to be a peer-reviewed journal article) … Read more

Business analytics

Discuss the pros and cons of establishing a business analytics competency center.  You need to include what industry and company-type you would be establishing this for (small, medium, large business in a specific industry such as automotive, healthcare, retail, service, and so forth).  Also include information on the type and size of database engines needed … Read more

Tranforming data

  Visit the Transforming Data with Intelligence website, Trends in Analysis section by clicking HERE. Explore the many different articles that are available, and select one that is most interesting to you. Then, in a 3-5-page written response in APA format: Summarize the article. (no more than 5 sentences)  What is the author arguing in … Read more