Discussion 3

   You must reply to original questions/prompts by Thursday of each week. This counts as the online portion of the class and is how you get attendance for this meeting date. This is every week. All first posts must be 150 word minimum (no replies are required). All prompts must be answered for full credit. … Read more

Art analysis paper 1

From one and half pages to two pages. Choose one work that particularly engages you. Take time to look at the work in detail; include a picture of the work. Ask yourself: “How does the piece ‘work’? What is the artist doing? Why do I have a particular response (such as joy, fear, curiosity)?” Your … Read more


Instructions: Your post should be no longer than 2-3 paragraphs. Simply posting your opinion will not guarantee you any points for the week. You must be able to make intelligent connections between the discussion question topic and course content. Your response should reference relevant concepts, theories, and/or findings from the textbook, additional readings, and lectures.  1. What … Read more

Jacob Lawrence Instructions

First, summarize Jacob Lawrence’s works, style, and inspirations in a thesis statement. Next, in approximately 400 words, identify one major painting, drawing, or print by Jacob Lawrence and discuss the work’s visual characteristics using the DICP method explained in your Writing Skills Development portion of Module 1. (DICP stands for Description, Iconography, Context, and Point … Read more

FAS 202 Final Project

Read the attached guidlines and rubric for instructions. The comparitive art analysis is going to be about “The two Fridas” by Frida Kahlo and “Self-potrait” by Judith Leyester. You will compare those two works with eacother and then comparing them to the modern world “selfie” 

3 Art Critique

answer all the questions for each art provided, 3 art pictures= 3 different critique pages. instructions and images of the art are located in the attachment  below Format Guidelines:  You must use APA 6th edition format including references.  You must use the formatting from the assignment template.  You must answer the questions … Read more

Social Media Platforms are Failed Cities

   Compose a THREE-paragraph annotation that does the following:  Summarizes the article in a robust way. Your annotation should address the focus, the rationale, the scholarly context, the method, the findings, and the implications of the article. Review our library’s critical reading video or materials from this unit’s class meeting session for guidance on these components. … Read more

Art 1

 How art was understood, appreciated, and shared historically, both by artists and the general public,How the discovery and appreciation of art has changed due to advances in technology,How social and political happenings have influenced artists….. Read Which Is the Most Influential Work of Art Of the Last 100 Years  as a guide 

Art 5

  Write a FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) document for each work of art that includes the question and answer. The Q&A must be filled out completely for Artwork #1-4. Questions could be regarding the media being used, why the work is significant, history of the work/artist, etc. Answers should not be “yes” or “no” responses, … Read more

Art 2

 Use the Venn Diagrams below to identify and compare/contrast the different types of media that could be used to create art. Each circle represents one specific media type. List qualities that are unique to that media type in these circles. Common elements of the media types are represented by the areas where the circles overlap … Read more