
Each Question Group member will prepare a written answer of 100-150 words, then post your question and response in your thread. Be sure to look at the effects of DoD strategies on units at the tactical level. This is a “post first” discussion forum, which means you must submit your initial post before you can … Read more

Discussion – Gaps

You should have gathered and read information from a number of sources related to your topic. State your topic and problem you are addressing in your dissertation. What trends are you seeing in the research related to your topic? What gap in evidence have you identified so far?    Topic :  The Smart Phone as a … Read more


Develop an introduction to your Chapter 2 where you clearly explain the overall research topic, literature gathering process, and the scope and organization of the literature review. The introduction should conclude with a paragraph that describes the sequence of the literature you will include and the literature analysis process. After the introduction, you should incorporate … Read more

Insurance Discussion

Please answer the following 3 questions and use the attached chapter reading as a reference. You must cite in APA Format. 1. Discuss the differences between uninsured and underinsured motorist coverage, and the importance of each. 2. What is the consequence of not meeting the coinsurance requirement? 3. How can a policyholder insure against the … Read more


a brief description of your Doctoral Study topic. Explain at least one theory or conceptual framework and its relationship to your topic, including why you believe it would be the most appropriate framework to use. Make sure to note how the theory or conceptual framework aligns with your study variables. Support your response with citations … Read more