customer service pt 2

  Part 1: From Chapter 10 in your textbook, read the background about the multinational package delivery company that is well-known from its brown trucks. Then, answer the following question in a 1-page document using APA style: What do you personally know about this company, and how does this impact your perspective of the company … Read more


Links to the website article  1. 2. 3.  Are fines enough? As dramatic as the $3 billion fine appears for GlaxoSmithKline, there are some who believe it was not enough. There are those who advocate making the consequences of misconduct harsh leading to possible jail time and that the GSK executives should have … Read more

week 4 assessment

  Explore the OIG Enforcement Actions page. Review and select one of the articles on a case of health care fraud.  Write a 700- to 1,050-word analysis of the case that includes the following:  Summarize the incident and the specific fraud that was enacted.  Determine what laws were broken and which regulatory bodies are responsible … Read more


This is 2 separate assignments. A discussion question and a paper. The discussion is 300 plus words with references and in-text citations. The assignment is to be set up in APA format with references and in-text citations. Please follow the instructions attached.

week 1 data

Imagine you are a health care manager for the Krahe Health Care facility. You have emailed your assistant manager, Michelle, the survey data for patient satisfaction, quality of care, and likelihood to recommend. You have asked Michelle to review the data and create a presentation for the staff addressing the impact of the data on … Read more

Medicial terminology

  Write at least a 175-word response to the following. Your response must address all aspects of each question, must include your personal opinions, ideas, or thoughts; and must provide examples in any situation where it is warranted. Why is it important for you to understand medical terminology when working in the health information technology … Read more

Designing a Study

  In week 2 you chose an operational problem you wanted to work to solve, for which you built a project charter. Take the same operational problem and design a study to address the issue.   Your study must include the following elements: 1.     Hypothesis 2.     What data will you be collecting and measuring?  … Read more


 annotated bibliography resources in the Reading and Resources area of this module, you will submit an annotated bibliography of six peer-reviewed research articles related to the research question that you have chosen. Please include a summary and analysis of the six research articles.